Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 24

What are so-called natural disasters and are they really natural?

I am talking about earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes (cyclones typhoons, tsunamis), floods, wild fires, dam failures, hail storms, lightening, avalanches, blizzards, droughts, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, landslides, heat waves...

No, they are not natural and God doesn't make them either. God isn't gruesome but the SEGNPMSS is.

We know that environmental careless activities by humans results in strange and dangerous weather but their behavior is often organized by the SEGNPMSS. They tell many of their agents to deliberately pollute and destroy. The hard core leaders of this German secret service lives in environmental protected surroundings, and they have a good laugh at the environmental problems that are created for others, including for their own agents.

And there is more to it:

The SEGNPMSS has access to weather satellites, and they manipulate the weather anywhere on Earth, and they killed already millions of people in so called natural disasters. They destroy human life, animal life, plant life, crops, housing, other buildings, landmarks, tourism, and it costs the United States (and other countries) Billions of Dollars to repair the material damage. Dead people and immaterial damage cannot be replaced.

How to their do it?

1) From a weather satellite or plane/helicopter or a vessel, they send strong laser beams in the ocean and create hurricanes. The surface of the water heats up, they whirl it around and create the hurricane in the strength they want it. With the same instruments, they create strong winds and carry the hurricane exactly where they want it, e.g. directly into New Orleans or other places to kill people and to destroy property. They cause Billions of Dollars damages to ruin countries financially and cause their tourism to decline. Don't be fooled and believe that wind makers or lasers are a new thing. For the SEGNPMSS, they are centuries old instruments for secret environmental terrorism and secret mass murder.

2) Earth quake: the SEGNPMSS sends laser beams into a fault until it quakes. They can also trigger earthquakes through their secret exactly calculated underground explosions (atomic or other explosions) and murdered already numerous people and caused Billions of Dollars damages.

3) Tornado: works in principle as their hurricanes - just on land. An air tunnel is created by the SEGNPMSS with a laser or another wind maker from a weather satellite or even from a truck. That wind tunnel is pushed forward in the strength they want it to destroy lives and property.

4) Flood: the SEGNPMSS influences the weather from satellites, and they keep it raining and raining till they got their flood, and it kills people and destroys animals, crops, and properties. They can also influence weather from the ground by directing their weather influencing instruments towards the clouds, and then they make more clouds and let it rain till the flood the targeted area.

5) Droughts: the SEGNPMSS pushes via weather satellites or from the ground with laser instruments or other instruments rain clouds away from an area, which results in no rain, destroyed crops, high risk for fires and in people and animals dying.

6) Volcanic eruption: works similar as creating an earth quake. Strong laser beam is send in the volcano or they also conduct an exactly calucated underground explosion (atomic or non-atomic). This makes the magna boil, the lava to run, and the volcano erupt.

7) Wild fires: that is easy. All the SEGNPMSS needs is a mirror besides telling their agent to throw their burning cigarette buds in the dry bushes. They let the sun shine on the mirror that they direct towards the targeted area until they got their "wildfire".

8) Dam failure: they create the bad weather that causes lots of rain from weather satellites or from other secret stations from which they can reach the weather atmosphere. Then they create a flood. If the bad weather is is not enough to make the dam burst, they activate remote controlled germs and other critters (snails, snakes, beetles, earthworks, ants, etc.) with microwaves within the damn, make them move in a certain direction, and they create the damn to break. (They can do this also to bridges and buildings.)
If your house shifts, and the floors are getting uneven, you and your home is targeted by this kind of SEGNPMSS terrorism.

9) Avalanche: the SEGNPMSS creates the snow condition (new snow on old) with weather satellites. It this is not enough, they create sounds and activate their germs in the snow with microwaves. They bury each year people in the snow.

10) Mudslides: a very similar process as making an avalanche. They create through weather satellites muddy conditions. If the mud does not slide as they want, they activate germs and other bugs in the mud with microwaves and take houses and people downhill.

11) Heat waves: they heat up the part of the world through weather satellites by keeping the ingredients to cooler weather away and likely use mirrors to create additional heat.

12) Hail: the form hail in storm clouds by cooling water droplets and make them freeze from their weather satellites. They destroy crops and properties and kill people.

13) Lightning: the SEGNPMSS uses weather satellites to create an electrical discharge that occurs in a thunderstorm. It becomes a bright streak or bolt in the sky. They build this electrical charge within clouds and often send it towards people to kill or injure them or to make a house catch fire. The SEGNPMSS also targed the Empire State Building with lightening.

14) Blizzard: the SEGNPMSS makes blizzards by using weather satellites to create very cold weather, strong winds, and heavy blowing snow. Numerous people were killed in blizzards or had traffic accidents.

15) Tsunami: the SEGNPMSS creates a series of waves in the ocean and displaces the water rapidly. With lasers or under underwater earthquakes and underwater explosions, they move the earth under the water and create mass movement of displaced water and this generates a tsunami. Their "Christmas gift" to the people of Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand in 2004 was the mass murder of approx. 350,000 deaths and many more injuries.

If you want this kind of mass murder and environmental to end, you have to blow the whistle on the SEGNPMSS.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.