Thursday, May 21, 2009

Illuninati vs. SEGNPMSS

The SEGNPMSS is older than the Illuminati. Actually, the Illuminati (also mentioned in the movie Angels and Demons director Ron Howard and starring Tom Hank) were just a front group for the SEGNPMSS. The SEGNPMSS is so secret that it founded numerous front organizations and hides behind them. Anybody else but them should be blame for their crimes.

The common denominator is that the Illuminati are Germans and the SEGNPMSS also was founded by Germans in Germany and then, they secretly attached the entire world – all people and even animals for control reasons to run on ear implants.

The Illuminati were allegedly founded on May 1, 1776 by a Jesuit named Weishaupt and consisted of free thinkers and educated people. The SEGNPMSS could be two centuries older, and it was founded by control-hungry barbers and butchers who founded later a "science" called medicine and psychiatrists and called themselves later medical doctors and psychiatrists.

If the Illuminati indeed existed, then the SEGNPMSS put Weishaupt and the members of the Illuninati up for whatever they did. The SEGNPMSS came always away by using front groups as the Nazis, the Communists, terrorist groups, the Mafia, drug cartels, and other crime rings for their purposes. Nobody but the SEGNPMSS run and runs these horrible movements. The SEGNPMSS hard core hid carefully hiding behind numerous front groups because obsessed cowards as they are, they never want to face up to the music that plays after a group falters because committed horrible crimes.

Just when I am concerned, they don't care to hide any of their activities. They stalk me so openly that I have just two explanations for it: either the SEGNPMSS thinks that I don't have the capacity to bring them to their knees and to convince the world of their existence and what they are doing (that means they will be getting the surprise of lifetimes) or their obsession with stalking and torturing me and denying my rights is so huge that they rather do that than playing safe. As far as I am concerned, the snakes indeed come out of their hiding places. Wherever I am, one could find access to their network. They never let me one second out of their snake eyes.

I do not just believe in live after death. I KNOW I will be the same person as I am today after I left this body. What does it mean for the SEGNPMSS? It means that I will to convict them of all of their crimes also from the so-called beyond. They can steal people's memories, and they stole also sections of mine – but I managed to remember, and if they would steal my SEGNPMSS memories, I would get it back.

As far as I am concerned, the SEGNPMSS made nothing but mistakes. They violated their own secrecy rules. There also have a rule that says "make people temporary happy so that they don't come after us" but they don't ever applied this rule to my life. The worst thing that they did was to make me ever suspicious. What a bunch of idiots. Theoretically, they still are in charge an rule the world. But as far as the eternity is concerned, they lost the game as I always will remember them and naturally, I have to gain positions in the future that I need in order to keep them from enslaving and lying to the world.

And now, and in all eternity, they can be brought down. I can figure out their hiding places, I can see them, I can feel them, I know their technology and their obsessions.

And death won't stop me at all.

SEGNPMSS, kill me or let me live, but I am telling you, you are history! Yeah, and guess who is not afraid of you disgusting creatures.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.