Friday, May 30, 2008

Chapter 23

WORKING FOR THE SEGNPMSS (or whatever you call it) is TREASON

I saw parts of Asia, and lived in Europe and the USA. I noticed that no other country is more under attack than the USA. So, whoever directs and organizes this conspiracy is a fanatical enemy of the USA. If you work for them, you commit treason against the USA.

If you execute their activities in the United States, you are under the law guilty of treason. Under certain circumstances that could even mean the death penalty for you. Even if you were recruited by "big brother", older students in your school who were no Germans, they passed your code to the SEGNPMSS and that means that you are no American but German agent. From the content of what your secret service asked you to do, you were also able to recognized that you are not the agent of an American secret service.

Did you ever wonder why European handicraft/products have most of the time a better reputation? The Germans are in Europe, they are unofficially or now already officially number one of the European Union, the leader of Europe . They want to be the richest and most admired nation on Earth. So, what does the SEGNPMSS do? They radio their American agents to produce faulty goods and products, and the American traitor complies. That's why German cars have a better reputation and why it is easier to screw a light bulb in a German lamp than in an American one.

I know both worlds. I lived in both, and I am telling you, America is sabotaged from the inside. Unfortunately for the SEGNPMSS, I am able to recognize the sabotage in products. If American manufacturers, their engineers and workers would have no ear implants and would march to a the secret German drum, America would have all the money in the world, and American goods and products would have am excellent reputation. There is no reason why they can't be just as good as the Europeans or even better. The only reason why they are not is because the SEGNPMSS doesn't let them.

Computers were created and manufactured, and just about anybody has one. Aren't computers and software an excellent American product? Well… Think about how many hours are being wasted in this little box and how often you had emergencies with that thing. Think about what you could do with your time if you would not have to constantly operate the computer, and you need one because without one you can't survive in the business world. Instead of wasting your time with the computer, you could THINK or spend time with your children or invent something that could better the world. Our time and attention is stolen by computers and gadgets. Many people have not even time to work out anymore, no time to learn much new things, no time to try new things, because the computer is waiting for them, and they sit there all the time.

I noticed that computers could be much more advanced if their progress would be not sabotaged by the SEGNPMSS. Instead of us typing all day in the computer and configuring that thing and also sabotaged software again and more and again, computers could do all the work on their OWN. In other words, we should be able to TELL the computer what it should do. With today's knowledge, we could have computer who do want we want. We could all have our personal assistants/butlers who would serve us. But at the moment, we are the assistants/butlers to the computers, and we have to waste all out time to serve them. The SEGNPMSS is sabotaging the progress, they want us to be busy, they want us to be overworked, they want us to lose time instead of having the time to figure them and their crimes out.

The Germans declared wars against so many nations and turned also on their allies. They persecuted religions and races and tried to kill anybody who they for insane reasons didn't like. Why on Earth would any decent person want to work for them or in their favor?

Don't tell me that you work for those guys who recruited you so many years ago behind the school yard in their system and that this is another secret service, not the SEGNPMSS. Fact is, anybody can run you who has your code. And the SEGNPMSS runs anybody. They are the leader of the secret service that attached you as kid to their system by installing ear implants into your middle ears. If I would have your code, I could make you run several times around the block, if I wanted to. Since that time behind the school yard, you might had thousands of different SEGNPMSS case officers, and they had no troubles running you, because all your data and secrets are in a big computer.

They are using you. You were attached for control reasons only.

I am sorry to break your dolly, but you have to face what you gotten yourself into. Is there a way out? Of course! You have to blow the whistle on the system before it wastes you. It doesn't matter what you did for them, you have to come clean.

If you stand alone, it is hard and dangerous, as this German controlled conspiracy will defame you, will lie that you are mentally ill and might even commit you against your will in a mental institution or being murdered – but look at me, I am not cowardous and stand up against them, and so can you. I am under severe attack, I had to flee Germany, and I am persecuted and defamed on a daily basis, but their way to run the world is so disgusting and dangerous that I rather would want to live in pain and lose my life than giving in and letting them come away.


Think about it, and find a way out.

Don't forget, the SEGNPMSS is lying to you. They are the secret slave master of anyone, and that includes very much their own agents.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter 22

"Suicide" terrorists? Terrorists, yes, but their "suicide" is rather something different.

Germans invented psychiatry to control people and to make experiments on them and their minds. It is within many who live in this region wanting to control other people and actually the entire world. I know so because I lived there once too.

The Germans also invented hypnosis.

The German Nazi secret service, the Gehlen Spy Ring was never dismantled by the American secret services.

If American agencies would not be secretly infiltrated by the SEGNPMSS and their agents, they would not just have dismantled the German Nazi secret service but also accused German psychiatrists and medical doctors of being not just the people behind Hitler but also having set up communism, the Cold War, the icy relationship between the former Soviet Union, the hostilities and terror acts against Americans and Jews by people who claim to be religious followers of the Islam, "home grown" terrorism, and the a bad reputation of the United States all over the world.

If American agencies would not the be secretly infiltrated by the SEGNPMSS and their agents, they would have blown the whistle on SEGNPMSS mind control and terror activities and secret murders within the USA and all over the world.

Hitler and the Nazis were defeated thanks to the leadership of Supreme Allied Commander Dwight David Eisenhower. However, due to the German/psychiatric infiltration of the U.S. government, U.S. secret services, and other U.S. agencies turned two blind eyes in order not to discover that the same people who are were behind Hitler, the psychiatrists, the Nazi did not just give up but continue to rule the world secretly and the United States is getting the bad rap.

Watch the documentaries about Nazi, Gestapo, SS and psychiatric activities within in the Third Reich. What makes people think that insanity simply evaporated into thin air? What makes people think that the top psychiatrists behind the Third Reich and the Nazis simply gave up after they lost the war? Insanity doesn't work this way. Crazy people are not suddenly sane just because they were defeated.

What makes people think that Hitler indeed committed suicide and that they did not kill somebody else instead of Hitler? What makes others think that the people behind Hitler and the Nazis live the way we have to and die in average within 70 years? What makes others thing that they did protect their health and are alive and still are going strong today? What makes others believe that they did not teach younger generations to adopt their hatred against Americans and Jews and that also they do not keep the SEGNPMSS continuing?

Strings need to be pulled and dots need to be connected. To think that fanatical people, as the German psychiatrists and Nazis just gave up because they were defeated is completely illogical. They are too crazy to retire. They MUST control the world. They MUST cause harm to tell themselves that they still have the power. And they are BEHIND today's terrorists. Bet on it.

History makes a lot of sense when you recognize that the Nazis and the men behind them just changed their operations and work now again more in the background, using other nations and ethnic groups to commit the hate and terror acts for them.

These SEGNPMSS hard core, the German psychiatrists and medical doctors live in environmentally protective surroundings, and time and diseases doesn't kill them. People on the unprotected surface of the earth die in average within 70 years. They don't. If they want, if they don't kill each other because anybody wants to be the top ruler, they can live forever in this environment.

Psychiatrists and still existing German Nazis make the suicide terrorists and bombers, through hypnosis and mindcontrol. They are behind the insurgency in Iraq. They are behind the Taliban and Al Queda. They were/are behind the brutal Ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, numerous states in Africa and any other country of the world.

Homeland Security, the CIA, the NSA, the US defense secret services, Scotland Yard, Mossad, Interpol, and other secret services don't investigate the German ordered and German organized psychiatric mindcontrol behind terrorism (with and without suicide) and therefore, they never get a handle on terrorism. It is as simple as that. If you don't confront the wild animals, they will go after more victims. The world is in a stage of chaos, because this German secret service succeeded in 1) attaching just about anybody to their system when they were dumb kids, 2) hiding its existence and identity. This secret service is more secret that any other. It is possible that this secret service has millions of different names among their own agents but is one and the same rotten to the bone organization and movement. "

"I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge and consent into committing treason against the United States", boasted psychiatrist George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. He told how disguised techniques of hypnosis could be employed to create an entire army of

saboteurs within our own country. "Let us suppose that in a certain city there lives a group of a given foreign extraction. They are loyal Americans but still have cultural and sentimental lies to the old country. A neighborhood doctor, working secretly for a foreign power, hypnotizes those of this patients who have ties favorable to his plans. Having done this he would, of course, remove from them all knowledge of their ever having hypnotized."

These are also the "suicide" bombers, terrorists, school- and mall shooters and other violent criminals of today. Estabrooks must have tried that out under the supervision of the SEGNPMSS and he must have created such enemies. He said that hypnosis is a lethal weapon and sure it is. If the United States, secret services, law enforcement and the courts would not be SEGNPMSS controlled, they would make the case that also today's terrorists are created by German Nazi psychiatrists.

The SEGNPMSS orders psychiatrists in any country to hypnotize certain people and to implant them into being terrorists. They are then "sleepers" and run around in trance till they hear their SEGNPMSS code/signal, and they execute the horrible radioed SEGNPMSS terror order and commit another atrocity. There are ways to find out if somebody was hypnotized and this is why this very secret German Nazi secret service rather wants these people to commit "suicide" after they committed the SEGNPMSS terror act.

The analytical minds of these hypnotized people are no longer working. They are not more the same people as they were before the psychiatric mindcontrol treatment.

One of the instructors of one of the American flight schools - in which Sept. 11 terror attacks ring leader Atta took his flight lessons - said that Atta told that he would be German. (No surprise here, I bet the farm that his case officer/mindcontroller was German too.) She also said what was stinking about him was that he was so robotic.

And the American secret services and law enforcement agencies and neither the 9/11 Commission searched for what made him and the other terrorists so robotic.

People in Atta's home country did not describe him as robotic. They told that he "changed" in Hamburg/Germany. That's right, there is where the SEGNPMSS was looking for people with enough hatred in their personality to kill others. German psychiatrists hypnotized him (and the other Sept. 11 terrorists) and made them into remote controlled zombies. They have the technology to do that and they do it.

I have met such psychiatric altered people in person, and boy, from just mean jerks, they transform into perverts and robotic monsters after the hypnosis.

Psychiatrists can remove memory of people, with hypnosis, e-shocks, microwaves, laser beams, brain surgery, and drugs. If anything can be called "brainwashing" that this because it washes away any reluctance by a person against committing heinous cromes.

I saw a tape in which SEGNPMSS agent Bin Laden gloated that numerous of the Sept. 11 terrorists did not know that it was a "suicide mission". Again, one member of this secret system is betraying the other one. Everybody loses with the system, also the terrorists.

They just run anymore on their hate program, they hear their codes/signals to which they obey since they were young children.

They subconsciously hear the silent sounds, the tapes with commands that repeatedly are radioed into their minds via electromagnetic waves, which fill their minds with more hatred and ordering the killings. Psychiatric drugs and other drugs are also involved and keep the mind in a fog. In other words: these rotten terrorists are indeed also victims of other rotten to the bone SEGNPMSS doctors, their case officers/mindcontrollers of which they thought they would protect and help them.

It is very important to keep hatred out of one's heart. Anybody can be ambushed by SEGNPMSS doctors who mess people up with the hypnosis, implants and silent sounds, but a person who does not hate others will be just very confused and unhappy after such a procedure and perhaps committing "suicide" but will not kill others regardless what the SEGNPMSS radios in their minds. The SEGNPMSS knows that people who do not hate make even in hypnotized condition no good terrorists. Therefore, they select people who hate, as they carry out the heinous hate crime and after they did what the SEGNPMSS ordered them to do, they are usually killed, either being shot by somebody or being radioed to turn the gun on themselves or going down with the victims as in the Sept. 11 planes.

The Sept. 11 terrorists and other terrorists as Harris and Klebold and other school, university and mall shooters made the huge mistake to hate others. That is why they were selected by this still active German Nazi Psychiatrist's Mindcontroller Secret Service to commit the terror acts and then to commit "suicide".

Jews and American hating Muslims should not forget that they were just selected and used to continue the battle of the Nazis. History shows that German psychiatrists use their allies and also their own nationals in all kinds of deadly battles and then let them go down.

Chapter 21


The SEGNPMSS tortures people not just with remote controlled germs and silent sounds. Their use of electromagnetic beams is yet another example of their methods. These electromagnetic beams go through walls and many other kind of materials. Neither people nor animals can tolerate a high amount of these beams without feeling pain and no painkiller helps against that. (Btw, remote controlled germs, which attack your body won't stop you and continue to cause you pain even if you took painkillers.) Many pains that people are having are not natural, they either are caused through remote controlled attacking germs or for example these electromagnetic waves. These beams can carry signals and voices for the remote controlled germs to attack your body. Most of the time, these methods are used in concert with each other. They are coordinated by the SEGNPMSS, and all has to goal to cause pain, torture and murder.

SEGNPMSS doctors and case officers target anybody including their very own agents. Why? Because they like to torture people and also animals, and they want people to spend Billions of Dollars for painkillers and other medicine. The "side effects" of the medicine causes again new illnesses, which results in more sufferings and more Billions of Dollars spend for even more medicine, and that result again in which result in more diseases and other pains, until people are out of savings and dead. The survival of the pharmaceutical industry is very important for the SEGNPMSS. The SEGNPMSS hard core consists mostly of German psychiatrists and medical doctors, and they identify themselves mostly with other psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, pharmacists, and the pharmaceutical industry.

The SEGNPMSS officers who tortures you with electromagnetic beams might be some miles away from you, and nevertheless can cause you horrible pains. A SEGNPMSS electrical wave can "tease" you by sending you mild pains, torture you by sending you strong pains and kill you by sending you a deadly beam. Your SEGNPMSS killer might be miles away from where you are, and the SEGNPMSS controlled law enforcement (any law enforcement on Earth) will not go after that killer. They will say that you died on "natural causes" when in fact you were murdered.

What else can these electromagnetic waves do? Besides sending remote controlled germs, bacteria and viruses the signal to attack your body and organs and causing you tumors and all kinds of cancers and other deadly diseases, the SEGNPMSS microwave can cause insomnia, (and the accidents that follow when people are too tired during the day as they can't sleep at night), fainting, people may suffer from abnormal heart rhythms, headaches, migraines, nausea, exhaustion, weakness, internal bleedings, pains behind the eyes, bad eye sight, even blind people, and they can cause also forgetfulness, birth deformities, tooth ache, dry skin or sensitive skin, swollen throat, and other swollen body parts, weak bladder, incontinence, impotence, allergies, hot flashes, uncontrolled muscle movements, constipation, diarrhea, pressure or pain in the chest, shakiness, numbness, tingling, nervous breakdowns, chronic fatigue, agitation, nervous and connective tissue pains of "unexplained" origin. If you are an official speaker, these waves (and a SEGNPMSS case officer taking or sending tapes in your subconscious mind) might interrupt your speech, might make you stutter and people might think you are an idiot or drunk or on drugs. They can make your voice break, e.g. be reminded of what happened often to Bill Clinton's voice.

Sometimes the microwave does it all, sometimes remote controlled germs do it, and most of the time following at least these three concerted activities to destroy the body: Remote controlled germs, electromagnetic waves and toxins.

Cancer radiation therapy might often not be successful as the SEGNPMSS continues to activate the germs, bacteria and viruses in the human body with electromagnetic beams that makes them multiply and continue to attack the tissue and organs of the cancer sick person.

People who are attacked by electromagnetic waves seem crazy or act crazy but they would be not, if these waves and the signals and silent sounds would stop. This is how psychiatrists are getting patients. The SEGNPMSS makes them crazy, and the psychiatrists and other doctors and pharmaceutical industry are profiting from these secret SEGNPMSS activities. And the SEGNPMSS comes away with it because nobody accuses them and nobody points with the finger on them.

Women know that childbirth is painful, but the SEGNPMSS can make it even more painful by targeting a woman who gives birth on top of the labor pains with electromagnetic beams.

Some SEGNPMSS agents (and SEGNPMSS organized/run company) apply to patent their mindcontrol "inventions" and they apparently have no conscience that their invention will be used on people. Behind these patents is also something else. The SEGNPMSS is much more advanced with its mindcontrol, torture, and killing equipment. Making officials issue patents to certain mindcontrol equipment should signal the following: 1) That the "technique" is not further advanced than what these patents claim, and therefore nobody does anything that goes beyond that and anybody who that claims something else is mentally ill. 2) That mindcontrol is not conducted by the SEGNPMSS but rather by the people, companies and countries who applied for the patent. And the SEGNPMSS of course conceals that they made these people/companies to "invent" the mind control equipment and file for their parents.

Some other of the low SEGNPMSS activities are:

Body implants in the sex organs is also a SEGNPMSS idea (likely already implanted when baby born or already before it was born) and the SEGNPMSS can control primitive people having sex by stimulating these implants.

The SEGNPMSS also runs noise campaigns against certain individuals. Once in a while (but not too often), the SEGNPMSS is afraid to kill a person during a certain time period as this could risk their anonymity and secret world leadership. Such a person (as I am) is also constantly harassed with noise. Where ever I go, the SEGNPMSS and their agents follow around me not just with pains and remote controlled germs but also with noise, and the purpose is to make me commit suicide (but I won't do them the favor.)

They also turn former friends against a person that they target and steal her mail, harass her with phone calls or otherwise and are denying the person's human rights. They are adding germs and toxins to water and food that the person usually drinks or buys, they isolate her from family and others, harass her with remote controlled vermin and animals and set up of an environment in which "accidents" can happen to have the person die in an "accident".

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chapter 20


If we would live in a free world, you would know exactly where you were before your birth and where you go and what happens after your birth. The lie that it is not for us to know, is a SEGNPMSS lie. God wants you to know and to understand - as this is the only way to build a better world.

Once more, the alleged big thinkers of the universities all over the world are apparently remote controlled. Just like almost anybody else, they were attached to the SEGNPMSS when they were small children, and they never learned to think independently. Nothing that is not approved by SEGNPMSS leaders will be part of university education. In other words: you, and anybody on Earth is once again held in the dark.

You see people being born and people dying. In other words, the soul, the spirit, the personality of a person comes and goes. Please note that this is not a publication issued by the Church of Scientology, but I would like to mention that Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard defined the spiritual being, the personality (which is you) very detailed and in order to get it not confused with unclear definitions as "soul" or "spirit". He called you, the person: "thetan".

Your body dies and then you take another body. If scientists would be independent thinkers and not remote controlled by the SEGNPMSS, they would have discovered following and published these scientific facts:

When you die, you leave the old body, and you, the person without body, the thetan can be seen with infrared cameras. No, you not a large ghost or something like without your body, but you are after your physical death rather a small white transparent little cloud. Some people call you an orb. There are some videos on YouTube, which show orbs.

It could be great comfort to a family, seeing that transparent little cloud leaving the dying body and then diving into the body of a baby to be born again. They know they don't have to wait until end of time to be again with this person and they can help her if she needs help. They would know that the dear person is not lost forever or at least gone for a long and uncertain time but either with them - or they would at least know in a scientific way that Mom is still alive after death.

But the SEGNPMSS is withholding these facts from the entire world and also most of their very own agents. If somebody figures it out and publish it, that person will be defamed as being "insane" what rather the problem of the SEGNPMSS leaders and agents is.

Jane feels great because she feels young and strong. She has no pains or disabilities anymore, however nobody talks to her, nobody sees her but she wants to be among people and she wants to be no nobody (Even the word says it, a nobody is a person without a body.) She looks around for a pregnant woman that carries a baby body that she can have to be born again.

But there is the obsessed SEGNPMSS who has to rule anything and any detail and they have follow also the people without bodies around with high tech. For example, they can see what became of Jane after her death and where Jane is but don't tell her children. Jane, who was programmed all her life to follow her personal SEGNPMSS code, suddenly hears her code again. She does not need ears to hear. She can feel, hear, see, move around and think. They don't have to radio her SEGNPMSS code loud via loudspeaker so that all the mourners hear it too. It works perfectly when the SEGNPMSS manipulated Jane's mind with silent sounds when she had a body, and it works indeed well when they radio her personal code in form of silent sounds in the direction where she (without a body) hangs around now.

She is programmed to follows the code, and the SEGNPMSS lure her in a medical lab. There, they play her a tape that says she can be born again as a beautiful baby girl, and this time, she would have a real good life. They show her a 3D video of a famous, good-looking, and rich couple, and they tell Jane that the woman is pregnant, carried a fetus and that Jane could be their baby and would be brought up with love and in luxury. They tell her to dive in the belly of the woman, into the fetus and grab onto it and take the baby body over as hers. And they stress that she would have to hurry, because if others who just died would discover that pregnancy, they would want the new body and would grab it and push her out, and she would not have a chance against some of these as there are more strong-willed and determined personalities around. (The SEGNPMSS show this video of this couple or similar couples and tell pretty much the same story also to all the other people without bodies who they want to reincarnate for control and/or experimental reasons.)

Jane always liked to be a woman and her SEGNPMSS case officers have this information about her in their computer. They radio her that they know for sure that the fetus is of female gender and of excellent genetic material of the parents, and therefore, the baby have excellent genes, health and looks.

That is "good news" for Jane, who feels already lonely and disappointed that her family did not see, hear, or recognize her without body and that they don't try to talk to her and do not look for her. As not otherwise expected, she follows the SEGNPMSS radio instruction and code and flies in the 3D simulation that shows the good-looking and affectionate couple in a beautiful surrounding. She dives in what she thinks is the woman's pregnant body and grabs on the fetus and never lets go of it.

For the SEGNPMSS, this is nothing but a standard lie and implant routine. They have done that Billion of times to others before her.

So, where is Jane? She is one of the many secret SEGNPMSS medical labs, where they breed babies and clones from stolen ovum and sperm.

Behind the 3D simulation of the good-looking couple is indeed a fetus but in an artificial uterus, a test-tube. The fetus is so small that Jane can't see the gender. (The SEGNPMSS knows the gender.) But she trusts her code, and whoever has it can trap her. The SEGNPMSS had goofed her again. She will not be raised by that good-looking, affectionate and healthy couple and live in luxury, but she, her new fetus/embryo body will be implanted in the womb of just about any woman. The SEGNPMSS deliver the fetus/embryo to one of their many gynecologists, and upon the order of his SEGNPMSS officer, he implants it in the womb of any woman who comes to the doc for a check up. Sometimes, the SEGNPMSS leaves the baby in the artificial uterus till it is ready for birth and they exchange it at birth with a still-born or a baby that they killed.

I happen to know the German barber mind, so be reminded that the SEGNPMSS has no human compassion and no ethical rules whatsoever. They are completely lawless. Whatever you can imagine that Nazi doctors would do when they know they come away with it, the SEGNPMSS doctors do in their secret labs. Cross breeding humans with animals, making clones, growing deliberately mentally and physically handicapped people, using babies as guinea pigs, and some babies (ovum and eggs stolen from people who don't know of the existence of these children) grow older and stay forever in these SEGNPMSS lab prisons because nobody is looking for them.

You might ask: "What about natural reception and women who didn't go to the gynecologist after they were pregnant?" That exists of course too but I think that SEGNPMSS gynecologists can remove a fetus or embryo and exchange it with another one without that the woman knows it. Many of such babies will be used and wasted away for medical experiments only and never have any parents.

Back to Jane. Jane thought she would get a pretty and healthy female baby body. But the SEGNPMSS tricked her into a baby body that is not her former gender. This time, Jane was tricked in a male body. The SEGNPMSS plays tapes for her that take her attention away from that her new body is male. After 20 weeks, when the body is old enough to reveal the gender of the baby, Jane is already so deeply melted within the new body that she would have to commit suicide in the test-tube or mother's body to get out of it. However, silent sounds, tapes that are sent over and over in Jane's direction make Jane forget that she was a woman. She is now trapped, and the SEGNPMSS wants nobody to remember her/his past lives and that is why she is radioed to forget anything what was before, her former name, family, life, education, even her language and her skills.

Jane will be born as Joe Wolf. She will be homosexual, and that shouldn't surprise anybody because she was a woman in her former lifetimes and used to love the male gender. She was tricked in a male body but inside feels still like woman. And that causes her gay feelings.

Compared to others, she might be still lucky. Other bodiless people are trapped in bodies of animals or are completely destroyed.

The SEGNPMSS traps the spirit, the personality, the little white transparent cloud, the thetan in something like a blender and separates it into millions of pieces and implants these pieces in bodies of germs. It happened to Jane's former husband Ken. After Ken died and left his physical body, the SEGNPMSS tricked also him in a medical SEGNPMSS lab, in a thetan-destroyer, in a blender, and the spiritual being Ken, the personality Ken, turned into millions of parts. His parts were then implanted into batches of microbes and germs. His parts, implanted in bacteria bodies will be activated via the SEGNPMSS remote control by SEGNPMSS psychiatrists and medical doctors, and his parts will cause new cancers or other horrible disease for people. Other little parts of him - the spiritual being - are (for example) implanted in bodies of ordinary staph bacteria and some parts of him go as milk bacteria in yogurt and in lactobacillus adidophilus. But don't forget that Ken will be only a "friendly" bacteria - if he is not activated by the SEGNPMSS by hearing his attack code. These activated microbes, bacteria, germs and viruses kill you and others, and it is medical SEGNPMSS mass murder.

So, what about Jane?

She (now a he) will be born in one of many dysfunctional families or families who think they are functional when in fact they are dysfunctional.

She (now a he) will be run by the SEGNPMSS before birth, during birth, after birth, in the first weeks, months and years with her old SEGNPMSS code, the one that she had already in last lifetime (and in the lifetimes before the last lifetime, and so on), and the first years they run and control her with silent sounds. Jane/Joe will drive her/his new parents crazy by screaming all the time because the SEGNPMSS officers radio her/him the code number to scream and to cause chaos, torture and pain, and Jane (now Joe) is a SEGNPMSS robot and always does as ordered. Jane (now Joe) will live a controlled life as Jane did before, if the SEGNPMSS doesn't decide to waste her (his) life with the many "illnesses" and "accidents", that children are objected to.

And guess what else will happen: Joe, the former Jane is now in the first grade. He is often bullied by other pupils. Then, one day, he is approached by two older pupils behind the school yard. They tell Joe that they will protect him from the others and help him to get through school by simply whispering what to write and say to pass school exams, if he agrees to ear implants. It is so easy to make Joe join them, because he did it before as Jane, and all his thoughts from this and former lifetimes are already in the computer and used to manipulate him to join the SEGNPMSS. He gets of course the same SEGNPMSS code that he had in his lifetime as Jane.

Jane sits in the same SEGNPMSS trap, and her life as Joe will be similar bad as her last life time. As child and juvenile, she/he has to do what her parents and teachers tell her to do, then she/he enters into criminal acts and perversions as teenager and young adult and is also depressed because criminal acts and perversions make depressed and she/he don't know how to be happy, and the SEGNPMSS radios her/him also with silent sounds depressions in her/his subconscious mind in order to sell anti-depressants and providing patients for their colleagues, the psychiatrists, and then Jane/Joe has to work in a hostile and badly organized world that is threatened by terror and disease and then she/he will get the diseases and grow fragile under daily pains, and then being wasted away.

And one day, if a SEGNPMSS officer decides to destroy her (the spiritual being, the thetan) completely, her parts will be implanted into a batch of bacteria or into viruses, and that is the end of Jane or Joe.

Working and obeying the SEGNPMSS is really "worth" it, isn’t it?

Without the SEGNPMSS and its constant activities to keep knowledge a secret, the spirit, the soul, the personality, the thetan would be discovered and its existence would be proven as scientific fact. The spirit, the soul, the personality, the thetan would have the same rights as a human being.

But how can somebody be protected if the large majority of people on Earth don't even has a clue as to what happens or can happen to them and their loved one after death and before birth? How can something be protected - if scientists in universities are too SEGNPMSS remote controlled to find and prove what's really important? How can something be protected – if those few who are not SEGNPMSS controlled are murdered, attacked, persecuted, tortured, and defamed on orders by the SEGNPMSS for their courageous activities to enlighten?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Chapter 19

Are you lucky if the SEGNPMSS allows you to grow old?

Gerontology websites show smiling seniors. What a fun it must be to be old! But here is the reality: it is no fun, and gerontology is the total failure. Instead insisting that people move into environmental protected surroundings (closed to the influence of the contaminated outside world) and produce their own healthy water and food, they are playing with worms and flies and extent the lifespan of those! (Just what we need: longer living vermin!)

As the human body is no fly and no worm, you can wait a couple of centuries longer or forever till they tell you what a person with a mind independent from the SEGNPMSS discovers: not injection, not pills, not medicine is the key for eternal youth and eternal physical life but a NEW WAY OF environmentally protected LIVING. Recycling, wearing sub block and eating biologically grown food IS NOT ENOUGH!

Jane grew old. She still is corrupt, lies, and conceals her SEGNPMSS agent life and activities, still complies to anything that is radioed her through her ear implants by anybody who knows her codes but she got tired and has a lot of pain and chronic pain as old people have it. Most of the time, life is not enjoyable anymore and certainly not pain free. She rather would stay in bed, the TV is running all the time, and she sleeps a lot.

Her medicine cabinet is full of prescription drugs and she takes them foolishly thinking that this medicine and these prescriptions drugs are not deliberately manufactured to make her contract other illnesses for against which she needs again new medicine. After all, the pharmaceutical industry is a SEGNPMSS run Billion Dollars business that wants to sell not cure. Read the small print. It the drug doesn't kill you right away, it sure does so by preparing your body for numerous other pains and illnesses for which the doctors describe you again medicine, and all of that – including germy and chemical food and water - will kill you at the end.

I know somebody who swallowed regularly prescription drugs. She didn't die on the illness she had but on the side effects of the prescription drugs.

Jane lives alone now as Ken left her many years ago for a younger woman.

Just as other people of her age group, Jane got fragile. One day, Jane slips on the floor in her kitchen and takes a hard fall.

Her children insist that she can't take care anymore of herself and as they are too busy with themselves and with doing what the SEGNPMSS radios them, they move Jane to a nursing home. Jane is horrified. She once committed her mother to a nursing home in which her mother died 10 months later, but she never thought that it would happen to her and that her own children would do something like that to her. She objects but has not nothing more to say. Jane's SEGNPMSS case officer (one of the thousands who ran her during the course of her little corrupt life) radios her that her children are awfully stubborn and that he can't change this but he would make sure that she is taken good care of in the nursing home.

He lied again and Jane – just like other old and weak people – is at the mercy of young and strong people, and she suffers like so many other old people abuse despite that these young people also run by the SEGNPMSS.

Nurses scream at her and retaliate against her because of her weak bladder. Despite expensive plastic surgery that Jane had was younger, she looks old and wrinkled. She was heavily overweight in her 40s, 50s and 60s but in her 70s, she shrank and is now very skinny. She has problems swallowing food, and the nurses often force physically and painfully food into her.

They give her food that she doesn't like, and it is too cold when she gets it. If she dares to say something or doesn't eat up they slap her and inject her with something that puts Jane asleep but make her the worst kind of nightmares. She complains about that to her children. Her children talk to the nurses and the nurses say that Jane's mind is not more working and that she is delusional and that would be typically for old folks. Jane becomes the target of physical and sexual assault, battery and sexual battery, rape, unreasonable physical restraint, prolonged and continual deprivation of food or water, a guinea pig for just about any medication they want to inject into her. Her caretakers slap, push, and beat her, and she is forced to stay in her room, and she never know what is injected into her, or handed through food or water to her and if it might kill her as the nursing home has too many old people and not enough staff. And if they would have less patients, the nurses would not have to come in on Sunday or the holiday, and as more old people die, as better for the leisure time of the nurses.

Hey, hey, you might say, what about Jane's case officers? Where are they?

Jane's SEGNPMSS case officers radio her that they are working at it and try to help her but in fact, they are plotting with the others against Jane. They would have the power to stop any abuse by the others but don't do it. It is the system in which especially the weak and helpless is completely without protection. In fact, the mistreatment of Jane and other old people is SEGNPMSS organized. They love to hurt others, even their own agents.

Jane is too old and too weak to be a security risk for the SEGNPMSS. Whatever she would say about the system is – just as her factual complaints about being abused in the nursing home - swept under the carpet. They would call her a crazy old and demented woman that babbles nonsense.

Her kids discover some injuries on her body but numerous nurses say that Jane is doing it to herself. The children's SEGNPMSS case officers radio to them and lie that the nurses are correct and that they watch the nursing home, and Jane is making the abuse up and is injuring herself.

Jane writes complaints to the authorities but her complaints are never mailed. The letters are opened, and the content is used as evidence for her alleged mental illness. She gets more drugs, which should "heal" her but they destroy her mind and body.

Jane lives in this hell for three years, 11 days, seven hours, and 33 seconds, then she dies. The actual process of dying is noticed, and a doctor injects a drug with a long painful needle straight into her heart to "strengthen it" but that makes her dying process even harder.

Jane is determined to get out of her body. She won't and can't stay here anymore. She wants to die and fights against the drugs and the nurses and the doctor who slap her body and into her face to allegedly make her come back.

Finally, she won. Jane has officially died. What a "help" the SEGNPMSS was in her pitiful life!

If she would have not worked for a secret service, if she would have not contributed to conspiracies against others but would have worked for a better world and equal rights for anybody and acceptance and improvement of ethics within the population, she would have had a much happier life and would have not ended up that way.

Poor, poor, stupid, and mislead Jane!

She died in age of 77.

As Jane has no body anymore, does she no longer exist?

Crap. The spiritual being, Jane, the personality never was physical as her body, and hence, what's not the body isn't dying like the body.

Jane without body hangs out in the room in which she dies and sees her children enter the room.

Actually, Jane feels good, she has no pains anymore and her perceptions were never better. She sees well and she hears and understands everything that is being said.

It appears to Jane that her daughter has kind of wet eyes but they soon dry. They seem all happy that she is dead because it was such a "burden" to visit her all three weeks and it was "so much better" for their Mom to die. Then they discuss the inheritance and start fighting about it.

What do you think will happen next? Will God taking SEGNPMSS agent Jane is his arms and forgiving her for her sins and let her into paradise?

There is a God who works on his mission to transform the world and the universe into a truly good one, but you can bet your ear implants on it that he will not welcome SEGNPMSS case officers and agents with open arms for all they have done.

So, what happens to Jane now? Will she go to hell? Yes, because Earth is hell. The personality, the soul, the spirit of Jane (or better thetan) Jane will take a new body and will go through same, similar or even worse problems and pains as she did in her former lifetime.

You did notice that Jane can see and hear also without a body, don't you?

She is flying next to her dead old body, and her son almost stepped on her, accidentally of course as he can't see her and would not recognize her without the body. Despite that it would not kill a spirit when someone steps on one, Jane still behaves as if she would have a body, e.g. goes around things instead going through them.

She yells: "Children, here I am!" But they don't hear her. Jane has NO BODY anymore, and she is a NOBODY.

One of the worst nurses comes in the room and throws a linen over Jane's dead body. Jane wants to retaliate for how she had to suffer under that nurse and wants to slam her the biggest injection needle within the nursing home in her behind - but Jane doesn't know how to pick it up. She has no hands anymore. She can think, see, hear, feel, has emotions, and she can move, crawl, roll even fly. But that's all.

And then, it happens again: Jane hears her SEGNPMSS code, and programmed for all eternity, she follows the call.

The SEGNPMSS can spot the person also without body, they can see her with special cameras (she looks like a transparent white little cloud now) and they trick her into her next lifetime.

She is programmed with the SEGNPMSS code beyond this lifetime, for all lifetimes – and that is anything but good for her or others.

They can trick her now to pick up a body of the other gender, which she would not have chosen, they even can implant her in an animal body, and they can lure her in a trap and destroy personality, the soul, the spirit of Jane (or better thetan) Jane in all eternity. They can dissolve her. That would be the end of her existence and the end of being able to take a human body. The little parts that are left of her might become nothing but bacteria in all eternity to come.

What a way to end. Still believing that ear implants and running on a code is a good idea?

Chapter 18

This Chapter is reserved for any other diseases of which I want to show you that they are caused by remote controlled SEGNPMSS germs or viruses.

I am rather busy at the moment, but I will go into the details as soon as I have time.

Chapter 17


There are numerous diseases of which doctors tell us what their case officers and mindcontrollers wants us to hear: many diseases are inherited, they are in your genes. After all, your great-great grandma, grandma, uncle, aunt, and dad died on it.

Yeah right! Wake up to reality: The body implant system tends to target a family with the same kind of diseases through remote controlled attack germs and bacteria.

This is how they fool people in believing that those illnesses are the family curse and inherited! You might get such a sickness because a rotten case officer once decided to kill your great-grandfather with it. On the day you are born, and likely already when the woman carrying your fetus body in her womb, the SEGNPMSS decides with what disease you should die. And you have not inherited it. They cause it with their trained germs. Once again: this system targets their own agents and not just the very few people who never worked or would work for them.

The medical terrorists of this secret service sit in medical German secret service labs and use their remote controlled germs to invent one disease after the other to torture people and kill them (often slowly so that their favorite agents, the doctors, the pharmaceutical industry makes some Billions from medicine that you buy to cope with the pains or in hope to become better, before they throw your germ and toxin abused body in some grave).

There are hundred of thousands of different diseases on Earth, and without the SEGNPMSS and its remote controlled bacteria, germs, viruses, and secret access into human and animal body and mind, you likely could reduce these diseases to zero.

As soon as one illness dies out, they come up with new diseases, which they deliberately developed and tested in their secret labs. After they bred the Aids virus, and then injected it deliberately in some apes, and radioed some of their primitive agents to have sex with the apes and humans, and the rest is history.

The SEGNPMSS is responsible for old as well as new diseases. If researchers would be smart and not corrupted by the SEGNPMSS, they would publish that illnesses are caused (besides exposure to toxic material and radioactivity) by remote controlled germs, bacteria, and viruses and by access by secret services (their psychiatrists and mind controllers) directly into the subconscious mind of people.

I wish I would have the time to list all the 500.000 plus diseases on this Earth here, with my observation, how they came to be and what can be done against them. But I have to concentrate on just a few. However, if you have a specific question, feel free to e-mail me to SEGNPMSS.BUSTED @ If the SEGNPMSS radioed you to insult me and to attack me for having published information about the SEGNPMSS, I will not reply - as I do not waste my time with stupid and mentally retarded SEGNPMSS robots.

The best way to heal diseases is preventing them by moving into an environment where you can't get them. The best way to find cures for diseases is to keep in mind that these diseases are man-made with remote controlled bugs. If you want to truly cure cancer, you have to ring the alarm bell against medical terrorism and the fact that germs, bacteria, and viruses can be remote controlled activated to cause just about any disease under the sun from any kind of cancer to any kind of heart diseases. Once this is known, authorities can go after them. I am convinced that all illnesses will drop dramatically once the SEGNPMSS doctors know that the general population is now aware of what they are doing.

Most killers of people are cancers, heart diseases, and strokes.

The hundred different cancers are caused by activation of bacteria that can cause cancer. The SEGNPMSS activates the bacteria with certain silent codes that they hear and then they attack your body and the result is cancer. These kind of bacteria, that can cause cancer once activated are everywhere in any country of the planet, because the SEGNPMSS ordered them to be spread into the air, water, food, clothes, medicine, furniture, books, newspapers, everywhere. You can't escape them, even if you would rip your ear implants and other body implants out. (Be reminded that you don't know where else they are besides in your middle ear. You likely got already body implants as baby in the hospital or already before, when pregnant Mom saw the gynecologist. She can't see what he is doing in her belly. She has no eyes down there. You can't get the implants out, but you can bust the SEGNPMSS system so that can't get away anymore with making you or anybody else sick and killing the world population.)

Heart disease works similar. The SEGNPMSS activates the bacteria with certain silent codes that the bugs hear and then they attack your body, and the result is heart disease. These kind of bacteria, that can cause cancer once activated, are everywhere in any country of the planet because the SEGNPMSS ordered them to be spread into the air, water, food, clothes, medicine, cosmetics, furniture, books, newspapers, everywhere.

Without activation, I think the germs would not do much harm. They are like other animals. You can make a dog in a pitch bull. In other words, the SEGNPMSS is making bacteria into pitch bulls and they rip around in your body. There are people who even swallow Lactobacillius adidophillius with 500 million microorganisms in each pill. I rather be shot than to eat those, because what is allegedly harmless or even good can and will be perverted once it is inside of your body.

The bacteria, once they hear their attack code can clock your arteries, can make your heart beat irregularly, can bite a hole in your heart, etc.

In the initial stages of aortic dissection, the inner layer of the aorta develops a tear which allows blood to escape and pool at the outer aortic wall. The outer wall can rupture, resulting in rapid blood loss. The remote controlled SEGNPMSS germs caused the tear by biting in the same spot till the rupture takes place.

Irregular beating of the heart, "arrhythmia," is caused by remote controlled SEGNPMSS bacteria. They make your heart flutter once they hear their silent activation code through your body implants.

"Congenital heart disease" means basically that the SEGNPMSS malformed your heart before or at birth with remote controlled germs that were in the body of your mother or where injected into her while she carried you. These remote controlled germs can cause that the left heart circulation has higher pressure and blood is shunted from the left to the right atrium, which results in increased pulmonary circulation and enlargement of the right heart. These germs are in your bloodstream and can mix oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. All the SEGNPMSS medical case officer has to do is having these bacteria in both streams run together.

And here is the killer beast Myocardial infarction, the "heart attack". A part of heart muscle dies because of a sudden blockage of a coronary artery (coronary thrombosis).

Guess what blocked your coronary artery? (I am glad that you are caching on.)

Blocking of the coronary arteries is most often due to "atherosclerosis". That is a buildup of fatty substances in the bloodstream within the inner layer of the arteries and over time it restricts blood flow to the heart. These substances can become blood clots. SEGNPMSS bacteria hear their code, their activation number under which they were bred and they create these fatty substances. In other words, if you die on a heart attack "Uncle SEGNPMSS Doctor" killed you. It was him who activated the germs in your body.

There is also dilated Cardiomyopathy, it is the diseases of the heart muscle. The heart muscle is weakened and the left ventricle becomes dilated as a result, leading to less blood output. The inflammation and weakening of the heart muscle is caused by chemicals and remote controlled SEGNPMSS bacteria.

Remote controlled bacteria can attack the muscle tissue in the septum that separates the two ventricles. They become abnormally thickened, and this is then called hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. It can cause heart murmur, angina, syncope, ventricular failure and of course your sudden death.

These remote controlled germs can cause aortic regurgitation. Your aortic valves do not close properly anymore, and they allow blood to flow back into the left ventricle. There will be a reduction of the pumping efficiency and that can cause you all kinds of problems.

And there is also Aortic Stenosis, this obstruction the left ventricle outflow can occur as a defect of the aortic valve, or be caused by an obstruction above or below the valve, which is caused by remote controlled germs. These germs can also harden the valves. Whatever the SEGNPMSS doctor wants these germs to do, they do it through hearing the remote control code. All he has to do, the polished SEGNPMSS case officer monkey is sitting at his computer and sending codes to the bacteria. I think without being activated by the SEGNPMSS, these germs would rather go to sleep.

And there is also the big lie of "inherited diseases". The SEGNPMSS kills since centuries with remote controlled germs. They killed your forefathers with certain remote controlled caused diseases by attacking their genes and nobody in your family got suspicious, and now they want to kill you with the same thing. Once the SEGNPMSS is busted, you will be surprised how few people on Earth will "inherits" any diseases.

Ward-Romano, Ellis-van Creveld, Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Holt-Orams, Marfan Syndrome, those are all names that cover up medical terrorism as "heritable" diseases. The SEGNPMSS knows how to target anybody's genes with remote controlled bacteria. Before you or your children are born, they decide already what kind of diseases you and your kids should "inherit" and on what you should die. These remote controlled germs attack you or your baby already in mother's womb, and they tortured and probably killed your relatives already before you with the same methods.

Remote controlled germs attack the genes, the bones, the tissue, the organs, the brain, and then the baby is born with one (or even more) of these "syndromes" including dwarfism, blindness, cleft lip, autism, conjoined twins, hearing loss, bone deformities, mental retardation (Fragile X), tumors as in Neurofibromatosis (they cause pressure damage to your nerves) diseases of the lungs and digestive system as Cystic fibrosis, with thick and sticky mucus (remote controlled germs clog the lungs, cause lung infections and cause obstructions to the pancreas) or the SEGNPMSS attacks you with remote controlled bacteria, the control center of your muscles, and then you "inherit" (Pseudohypertrophic or DMD) or they target you with degeneration of brain cells (Huntington).

Basically, even if it "runs" in your family, you or your baby won't get the diseases, if the SEGNPMSS does not activate remote controlled germs. But you or your baby will get it when the SEGNPMSS decides to do it with you.

If you wonder how they decide who should become sick and who not, it anybody's guess – but I assume they just roll the dice. In order to keep the world further afraid of diseases, and shovel lots of money to their colleagues, the pharmaceutical industry, the specialists, the psychiatrists, the pharmacists, the doctors, they have crazy SEGNPMSS statistics to fill. Such and such percent needs to be made sick with this and that disease. Anybody becomes the target of the remote controlled germs, sooner and later. The SEGNPMSS is like the Borg. Anyone is controlled and run by some anonymous case officers and mind controllers who are again run by other anonymous case officer and mind controllers, etc. And in the hard core sit the German psychiatrists and mind controllers who organize that all and keep it going by trying to play God, by being completely inhuman and incapable of being God.

They know how to control the world but they are missing any emotional intelligence.

I consider them the dumbest people who ever were born. They are arrogant and brutal and more machines than humans, stuck in their perverted ways, can't put themselves in the shoes of others, can't predict the future and as far as I am concerned, they do EVERYTHING wrong. They are completely incapable to fool me. Not one person in their entire army of case officers and mind controllers could mislead me in regards as to what they are doing.

It is really true, crimes make dumb. Once people commit crimes, they are afraid to confront that field again. They rather close their eyes. The SEGNPMSS commits the worst crimes in the history of the planet. They kill any person on Earth within approx. 70 years (many sooner, some later). By killing 6 Billions of people with remote controlled germs and by withholding from them that people could stay young and healthy by forcing them to live in a lousy, germ, toxic, UV, and chemical world, which is also full with violence, these guys are nothing but planetary mass murders.

More to come…

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter 16

"Aging gracefully" or "Aging successfully" is so stupid and painful. Not aging at all and staying forever healthy is very smart.

That would be absolutely wonderful, wouldn't it? Imagine, your grow up but you don't age and you stay healthy. Science fiction? That is what the German psychiatrists and mind controllers and their international case officers radio in your ear implant. True, it would be paradise on Earth, and God is not the one who stands in the way and still has hard feelings against you because of that Adam and Eve produce thing.

(That apple story never made any sense to me. Why would God make people leave the paradise just because they ate an forbidden apple. If he would be a SEGNPMSS hard core controller, he would act this way but we are talking about God, the good, the just, the merciful. The story of Adam and Eve makes only sense if you explain the apple with drugs. There was the snake [an already existing slimy person or likely more, also to be explained with Satan or the Devil] who lured Eve into using drugs and tempting also Adam with drugs. I rather see Eve and Adam not as just two people but rather already as a civilization. Moreover, if you get an idea of God's personality, you know that he would have kicked nobody out of the paradise but that this civilization, which once lived in paradise ended the paradise by using drugs and by perverting. The rest of the story is life on Earth how we know it.)

Have a look around. People still live like in the stone age, don't they? Sure, I have seen a car or two, noticed planes, came to the conclusion how annoying cell phones are and have a time-consuming computer myself. That is not what I mean but rather that people don't protect themselves from the environment of which we all know that it makes us age, makes us sick, and die in it. What are people doing to protect themselves against aging? They smear a pound of expensive and lousy sun cream in their faces and on their bodies, and…. and age nevertheless. Those who can afford it pay for plastic surgery and fight their wrinkles and sagging skin by going under the knife, go through pain, risk that they look unnatural or butchered and pay dearly for it - but once they step out of the plastic surgeon's office, they age again. And in average, they nevertheless die in their 70s, and despite all plastic surgery, they still look somehow their age: old voice, old hands, and a fragile body.

So, what can be done to stay forever young and healthy? You have to find others who want to stay forever young and healthy, and you build what I describe below. It might seem very expensive in the beginning but it will be cheaper than health care. And you don't have to do it alone. Convince others to be a part of it.
1) Don't believe in that gene crap and that you have to age because it is in your genes. You have to get out of the radioactive, germ invested, toxic, and UV-world and you have to live in environmentally protected living spaces. Imagine an oasis, a village just under glass. You can have clean nature inside. Have water run over it to keep any micro dust outside and it will wash off radioactivity and toxins that might rain down on it. This oasis can be very beautiful. You also can leave it for hikes in the outside nature but don't be so stupid and do it without a protective suit!
2) You have to make your own oxygen. Did you ever see sun shining on air and all the dust in it? Exactly, that stuff and other toxins and poison goes in your skin, body, breathing system, and the rest of your system. No wonder that you are getting old, sick, and die.
3) You have to make your own food and water. Don't eat the stuff and don't drink water from the tab or from water bottles in the shelf. These germs are remote controlled and will let you age and kill you one day. Always remember, when the health officials say that something is "safe", it means that it will kill you in average of 70 years. "Safe" does not means immortality. It will kill you nevertheless. I don't think that you would have to reduce your calorie intake by living in such a world, and parts of what is considered junk food would be none under such conditions because YOU determine what's going in it and if none of the ingredients are toxic, radio-active or germ invested. Make your own natural remedies. Don't eat the stuff from the unprotected world.
4) Don't bath in or drink the unprotected-world-water. Germs that are in the chlorite water bite in your hair roots and make your hair gray and white. They also make you bold, gentlemen and bite your gorgeous lashes out, ladies. Don't dye your hair with the chemicals, if you want to stay forever young and healthy. The body was not created to be objected to chemicals.
5) You have to make your own clothes, don't slip in the clothes made out of fabrics of the unprotected world. They contain germs and can contain chemicals that don't allow you to stay forever young and healthy.
6) Build your own houses from natural elements within the environmental protected oasis and don't sit on the furniture of the unprotected world. The remote controlled germs in those crawl in your body: just as an example, the result for men: possible prostate cancer and for the women possible ovarian cancer. Yeah, yeah, I know there is a vaccine for girls on the market that allegedly will prevent ovarian cancer. We will see if it really protected when they enter a certain age. Also, don't forget that these vaccine, any medicine has these "side effects". While one disease might be held at bay, you might contract a number of others. MEDICINE IS NOT THE ANSWER, THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH IS NOT A PILL OR INJECTION OR ANOTHER FORM OF MEDICINE, THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH IS A FOUNTAIN AND AM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTED WAY OF LIVING. You have to make your own mineral water. Well water is not good enough. It is contaminated too and contains dangerous germs, which can be remote controlled and kill you.
7) Create your own very harmless energy on the inside of the oasis.
8) Build as transportation system a train or conveyer inside that does not pollute anything, walk, bike, or when you are too lazy for that, invent a robot that will carry you around but leave your stinky cars OUTSIDE of the protected oasis/village. Lately heard often the question what car Jesus would drive. How about: NONE!
9) Don't smoke, don't drink, don't take drugs. Never start. If you started, quit! Others did it, you can do. Those who have a hard time quitting, you should know that case SEGNPMSS officers/mind controllers are talking in their subconscious mind with silent sounds manipulating you to continue smoking, drinking and taking drugs. They are the snake who does not want you to live in paradise. They try to kill you and keep you in a stinking, dirty, nebulous germ cloud.

You very own case officer might not live in a protected environment. He/she might indeed be clueless as you are about what I wrote. However, the leading SEGNPMSS case officers definitely reside in such a protected environment in secret locations. I bet that Hitler was headed there, when he talked about the "bunker".

The SEGNPMSS leaders never would leave their protected environment/village/oasis without a protected suit. They haven't aged since centuries. The guys who invented the Nazis and put Hitler in charge are still alive. They are the Dorian Grays. They might be 500 years old but not by appearance and health. From they day, they moved in such a protected environment/village/oasis, their bodies did not age a second on the outside and inside. They keep all the radio activity, poison, UV beams, toxins, dust, germs, bacteria, viruses OUTSIDE of their protective environment/village/oasis, but they ORDER our world to be contaminated with all of that. They don't want to age or get sick but they order this fate for us, including most of their very own agents and other case officers. THE SYSTEM BETRAYS YOU. BEING LOYALTO THE SEGNPMSS IS LIKE KISSING THE DIRTY FEET OF YOUR SLAVE OWNER.
Whatever they gave you as "award" for working for them since you were a child, it is NOTHING compared what you could have - if you would bust them and create the world that I just described.

Don't be so dumb and create the world just for yourself and some co-conspirators. In order for you to be save, the entire world, the entire universe has to be save. The top SEGNPMSS case officers/mind controllers can and will become also victim of their very own system. It is not the environment, the food, the water, toxins, radioactivity or germs what is making them age or die. Their problem is that they can't trust each other. They are not good. One is after the other. They want to murder each other, and you can bet all psychiatric drugs and all ETC machines on Earth that numerous of leading SEGNPMSS officers were already killed in this beautiful healthy environment simply by force. Anybody of them can be the next victim.

Can we just wait till they killed each other, and would that end the system? I doubt it, because at least one of these monsters will remain and continue to run the world via his computer, recruit another breed of new SEGNPMSS hard core mind controllers and keep eternal youth and health and so much else from you.

Not allowing over 5 Billions of people on Earth to live forever and withholding from them that they could stay young and healthy forever is secret planetary mass murder.

Finally, the SEGNPMSS hard core did not discover on their own that they can stay forever young and healthy. They don't come up with any good thing. Somebody else made this discovery who wanted to anybody in the Universe to know about it and protect his/her youth and health. The SEGNPMSS (German secret service) stole the data and wisdom from him, kept it as secret and killed the person who researched and published these data first.

Chapter 15

Germs can kill you and remote controlled germs will kill you guaranteed –

and the cure of cancer and other deadly diseases is right here

We already established that all animals can be controlled like humans through silent sounds, body implants but also microwave beams. But what about small organisms, like viruses, germs, and bacteria? You will say that they are too small for body implants. But they can be bred in labs under certain signals and when they hear these signals later, they act upon them. And this is what this system is doing to make people sick and kill them.

How can it be done? It is rather simple.

The SEGNPMSS, its doctors, psychiatrists, and other medical agents send with microwave beams the signal in the direction of the person that should be attacked, made ill or killed by the germs. The SEGNPMSS criminal can be far away from that person and sits in front of his/her computer in a home, hotel room, trailer while wake up sleeping germs, bacteria, viruses with microwaves and silent sounds, which they hear either carried by the microwave or through people's body implants, and these small bugs will attack then the human body upon they feel /hear the signal.

The SEGNPMSS makes these critters (any animal) comfortable or uncomfortable in their environment, depending what the SEGNPMSS wants to archive. These germs, bacteria and viruses will attack, sting, bite, block, separate, pull together, enlarge, reproduce, ect., to cause inflammation, infections, allergies, and any diseases under the sun, including heart disease and all sorts of cancer once the SEGNPMSS microwaves/radios the signal in their direction.

And as they are at and in your body, you are the one who is tortured, is getting sick and might have to die.

A guy once wrote to me that what I claim about remote controlled germs cannot be done, because he and others of his university tried to remote control cockroaches, and they didn't do what they wanted. So, why didn't he and his colleagues succeed with the remote control of roaches? That is easy: SEGNPMSS consists of people who ruthlessly HAVE TO CONTROL EVERYTHING, including each life form on earth. They can't take anything easy. The SEGNPMSS hard core is haunted by its own obsession to control. The critters that this university cockroach study group found are microwaved/controlled to run in the wrong direction by the SEGNPMSS, and they runs already on a specific SEGNPMSS signal. In order to make these cockroaches, any other creature or germs and even viruses do what they want, they have to CRACK THE SEGNPMSS CODES/SIGNALS AND HAVE TO MAKE THEM STOP USING THE MICROWAVE BEAMS THAT CONTROL THE ROACHES IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The SEGNPMSS works since centuries with remote controlled germs. They are basically nothing else but flea circuit directors who work with very small fleas. I they don't want you to feel the germs attacking you, you will not feel them. They can attack you gently until to the advance stage of a sickness, then you will feel the pain and most of the time, it will be too late. However, they can also use the germs to attack you to torture you, e.g. causing you allergies or make you to commit suicide as you can't stand the constant pain, itching, burning, running, stitching, biting, vibrating on or in your body anymore.

After the germs are bred under these codes and conditions, they are spread all over the world. They are in the wind, water, trees, plants, food, medicine, furniture, toys, clothes, cosmetics, shoes, hats, appliances, carpet, cars, instruments, computers, software, even alcoholic beverages, you name it.

Some "smart" people build computer chips with these remote controlled germs, which is a real dumb idea, because some of these germs will remain on the chips and can be activated to destroy your computer/software after you bought that expensive stuff.

When this system wants you to get sick or die, they are having some of these germs attacking you. After all, the pharmaceutical industry, medical doctors and psychiatrists are their favorite agents, the SEGNPMSS hard core considers them their junior agents. One branch causes the diseases and the pains, the other branch sells pills and other treatments against it, which just masks the problems and doesn't heal you. And if you should be lucky and got rid of one illness, the medication contains the toxins and remote controlled germs that will start a new disease and will kill you then too.

I know somebody (never a smoker) who had Asthma (caused by remote controlled germs). She popped all the pills that the doctors prescribed to her. She continued to suffer under Asthma for the rest of her life but she did not die on Asthma. You think that this is good? Not really - because she died on liver cancer, and I am sure that these remote controlled cancer causing germs were in the Asthma medicine.

The pharmaceutical industry and the doctors are rich because you buy their medicine to get some relief from what their trained germs are doing to you (more germs are in those pills and other medicine and these germs are not mentioned on the prescription label) . They make billions, but in the end, also these favorite agents, the CEOs of the pharmaceutical industry and the physicians, the "specialists", the psychiatrists, the surgeons, the pharmacists, the chemists are wasted in this deliberately German germ world by dying on some of these many illnesses that were invented by the SEGNPMSS. By not ending this system, anybody loses. Anybody, no exception. Not even the top SEGNPMSS case officers and mind controllers can live in peace as one is trying to get the other one.

People constantly ask for a cancer cure or the cure of other deadly diseases. HERE IS THE CURE: KNOCK THE REMOTE CONTROL AND MICROWAVE OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE SEGNPMSS, their hard core, their psychiatrists, medical doctors, other German and international case officers and agents. Convict them of breeding, training, and operating remote controlled germs and of spreading them through their lab employees as doctors, assistants, students, janitors, workers, etc. all over the world and of activating them, aggravating them in human bodies (and also animal bodies) to cause illness and death.

You ask, why do they do it? Because they are extremely disturbed rotten like hell. They want to be cause over life and deaths of all people on Earth. They want to be God, but they are forgetting that God is good and ethical and that they are the lowest scum in the universe and never can be God. You can bet your ear implants on it that the top SEGNPMSS case officers live in secret and very clean environments and search their own bodies every day for signs of even the smallest little germ while those who live on the unprotected surface of the Earth have gazillions on germs and bacteria on them and also those who take their hygiene very seriously. After all, they are also in the water, the soap, the anti-bacteria agents, you name it. The SEGNPMSS hard core is very afraid that what they do to you and others is being done to them. They want to live forever, and YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FOREVER. GOD WOULD LET YOU – BUT THE SEGNPMSS NOT.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.