Thursday, May 15, 2008

Chapter 9


After she cheated "successfully" through school with "help" of an ear implant, she got a university degree - even a doctor title – but she has no real understanding of anything. She knows how to repeat the sentences that are secretly radioed by her case officers in the super-tiny receiver in her ear drums but as she never was a person who depended on her own, she never learned to analyze anything in depth. She is a fool who lets her case officers think for her and not the only one. We often enough witness that really stupid people graduate from top-rated universities. The ear implants and case officers who radio the graduate what to write and say in exams, explain idiots with university diplomas perfectly.

Jane's case officers arranged a job for Jane. She is not independent enough to choose the job, which she would have chosen if not run by case officers. As always, she does what her case officers tell her. She has no critical thoughts of this system and still thinks that she is safe with her case officers, Anne or William. By the age of 20, Jane probably had hundreds of different case officers and didn't know one of them personally. They might be people even she would be disgusted of - if she ever would get a chance see them, which she will not. They know they are involved in criminal activities, so they hide. She just sees her case officers once (!) in her lifetime (around first grade) and never again. But any Nazi doctor and other still existing Nazi of the German secret service has access to her ear implants. They watch her around the clock in any place, they film her via general household objects as light bulbs and have access to her mind and manipulate her. They record her details and thoughts in the memory a computer.

Whenever the headquarter of that German secret service, the branch in her hometown decides that she needs a new case officer as they need her old once for other purposes, the new case officer just runs her case coldly through the computer and learns the major stations of her life. Jane thinks that her case officers has feelings for her as they know her since she was a child. She is so mistaken. The purpose of this system is to keep all people in line to control anybody but not to develop human feelings for their agents. If that would be the case, we would have a sane and safe world already since centuries as this is how long this system runs just about anybody.
But what do we have instead? People who work for the same system, and they kill, defraud and cheat each other. This system is worth nothing, because its agents cannot trust each other. Secretly, one sells the other one out. Not even the top controllers of this system are safe as one tries to get permanently rid of the other one to have single-handed the total control of this world.

Case officer organize what Jane should "study" and her career. You might read this and think to yourself: in my case, it was different. My case officer allowed me to pursue my vocational choice. My idea was always to become a psychiatrist. I had this idea already since I was a small child. Really? I explained before that anybody received without her knowledge body implants by doctors or other medical personnel before she or he was ever contacted by her/his case officers around the first grade. Through these implants, this secret service radioed already silent comments in the minds of the unborn baby, new born baby and toddler to manipulate their thinking already in their favor.

Back to Jane. Especially on the job, she continues to follow and execute the orders that she hears with her own taped voice and still the same code that she knows already as child. Actually, Jane (and anybody else) is so fixed on the code that she also acts on what the case officer wants her to do by sending her the code with silent sounds. (More about that later.)
Let's see how Jane does on different jobs.

Jane is a reporter: she gets all kinds of story on the table. Her case officers radios her through her ear implants what story to cover and what story not and who to favor or even who to defame. This includes also to sabotage photos or to use the worst shots she can find of somebody she wants to destroy in her articles. Only reports that do not harm the SEGNPMSS and its methods will be written and printed. Anything that possibly might blow the whistle on the SEGNPMSS and its methods will be never printed. Top priority of Jane as reporter: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and its secret mind control methods.

Jane as judge: she will favor the party that is favored by her case officers. The laws and facts are being ignored when her case officers radios her so. Justice is what SEGNPMSS decides not what the Constitutions and the laws say (and they are already bad as they are also written under SEGNPMSS supervision). There is no justice and equal rights for anybody in the justice systems anywhere on Earth. International Human Right are just a PR actions for people to think that they exist. Jane as judge would have NO bad conscience sending innocent people to prison or penalizing innocent people or denying innocent people their rights and commit sane people to mental institutions. Her "ethical conduct" is what the SEGNPMSS channels her through her ear implants. Top priority of Jane as judge: total protection of the SEGNPMSS, total control of the justice system and its secret slavery methods.

Jane as politician, representative or governmental official: sure, she promises anything to the voters to get their votes, but she will only fight for the issues that her case officer approves on behalf of the SEGNPMSS. That should explain why officials, representatives, senators, and other politicians get so little done or make no good laws or waste tax payers money. Top priority of Jane as politician, representative or governmental official: total protection of the SEGNPMSS, secret control of international governments, more taxes, more waste, no lasting peace, new wars and no safe and better world for anybody.

Jane as tax official: When her case officer orders it, she will "overlook" that certain people don't pay their amount of taxes and have to pay more taxes by the books, which is for other people's disadvantage as their taxes will be raised and the disadvantage of the country as the money is missing. Jane will think that these people belong to her secret service and therefore, need to be protected. She will audit only who the SEGNPMSS wants to be audited (this includes of course also some of their own agents). Other people are not as lucky, and Jane will be after them like the devil behind the poor soul (e.g. check out the case of the The Jewish Mother) trying to get as much money as possible and even do "mistakes" for the disadvantage of these taxpayers. Jane will think that these are the enemies of their secret system, when in fact, most people belong just as much to the system as Jane does. But in order to allow this system to control anybody, agents like Jane have to believe that the system they belong to does not control just about ANYBODY except for a very very very very very very very very small number of people. Top priority of Jane as tax official: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and SEGNPMSS secret control about the income of individuals and of international governments.

Jane as lawyer or prosecutor: She will misapply the law for her own clients when her case officers tells her to. She will handle the cases as bad as possible and lie to her clients that she did the best she could. She will lie about the other party and to the other party - if her case officer tells her to. It doesn't matter how much money the client will pay Jane as lawyer to represent his rights, she will intentionally let him lose the case once her SEGNPMSS case officers wants it that way. – Jane as prosecutor will allow criminals to get off without being penalized or having to go to prison or just be slapped with a light penalty once her case officer tells her to. Jane will think that the criminals belong to their system (and would never harm her and her family - just other people) so, she lets them get away - or if this can't be applied in all cases, she will allows criminals to get away with the easiest and lightest penalty. If somebody would blow the whistle on the SEGNPMSS, Jane would ask a judge immediately to commit him in a mental institution as according to her lies, such a person apparently is "mentally ill". Top priority of Jane as lawyer or prosecutor: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and SEGNPMSS secret control over the justice and criminal system of any country.

Jane as doctor, psychiatrist, nurse or medical person: it fill many chapters to just remotely describe what they are up to. Some of what they do is already mentioned. As a sum, Jane as pharmacist packs deliberately wrong drugs once her case officer tells her to or provides the wrong advice. Jane as doctor has also no conscience. Once the SEGNPMSS orders a wrong medical treatment or a deadly injection against any of their targets (including their own agents), these targets will be harmed or medically murdered. In research: Jane will just find "cures" that make others contract other and more diseases and those that kill people a bit down the road nevertheless. Jane as psychiatrist will "diagnose" any person as mentally ill - if the SEGNPMSS does not approve of her and electro-shock and/or drug that person into sickness and death. Top priority of Jane the physician, psychiatrist, surgeon, nurse or medical person: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and SEGNPMSS secret control over the health, quality of life and longevity and lives of any person.

Jane as architect: have a look around. See any ugly buildings? Jane's SEGNPMSS officer does not want America (and other countries) to be beautiful. Also, human health and longevity is not protected by these houses. Architects should have found out a long time ago that people should not live on the unprotected surface of the Earth, if they don't want to age and if they don't want to become sick and die. See also the monuments and displays by "artists" in front of buildings that were erected to insult eyes and make the environment more ugly and to depress people. Top priority of Jane as architect: total protection of the SEGNPMSS, and SEGNPMSS secret control over landscapes, ways of living, beauty, building and housing constructions to endanger health, quality of life and longevity of people and to bring tourism down in certain countries as the USA, because ugly build places don’t attract tourists.

Jane as musician or singer: switched on the radio lately? As there is so little new choice of good new music, Jane will make a career by making music that is corrupted, disharmonious and deliberately composed to depress but not to uplift and also to spread crime through noise, cheap sexual appearances if the musicians or singer, content, aggression, and foul lyrics. The same secret service tells their young agents to go to concerts and scream enthusiastically and buy Jane's records, despite she insults all our hearings. Top priority of Jane as musician or singer: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and SEGNPMSS secret control over music to bring the world down and open the world to more violence and criminal acts.

Jane as movie producer: when her SEGNPMSS case officer sends her the command, she produces movies that concentrate on crime, sex, primitive language, porn, glorification of cigarettes, and alcohol, and drugs. The "heroes" will be dysfunctional people - as we should believe that it is okay to be like that. I saw so many movies in which prostitutes are portrayed as the (only) people with human compassion. Top priority of Jane as movie producer: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and SEGNPMSS secret control over the entertainment industry to bring the world down to manipulate morals and open the world to more violence and criminal acts. Needless to say, a documentary or a truthful movie about the SEGNPMSS would be never allowed.

Jane as real estate agent: when her case officers radio her, she will sell bad houses and lie to the buyer about it. She will cheat the buyer without bad conscience. Top priority of Jane as musician: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and SEGNPMSS secret control over any real estate on Earth.

Jane as engineer in a car manufactory plant: when her case officers sends her the command, she designs a deliberately bad car. Germany is known for better cars because their case officers tell their German engineers to make better cars, not caused by any ethical reason but the SEGNPMSS is of German origin, and they want to sell more cars and ruin the USA and other countries. Same goes for other products. I lived in Europe and Germany for many years. I noticed that there is quite some difference between things made in Europe, esp. Germany and the USA. It is not that American can't build as good or even better than the Europeans and esp. the Germans. But the SEGNPMSS doesn't allow it. Germany wants to lead the world and the USA should go down and be and stay ruined. Jane as general engineer: don't trust the design, don't trust the work, it is deliberately faulty, as ordered by her case officer to who she always obeys. op priority of Jane as engineer or also manufacturer of goods: total protection of the SEGNPMSS, faulty and dangerous products to endanger lives and SEGNPMSS secret control over any product on Earth and the ruin of the USA as world power. According to the SEGNPMSS: America has to develop into a Third World county, in the poorest nation on Earth.
Jane as scientist: she will be stupid. Whenever her case officers says she should not explore a certain direction, she will obey. That means that scientists are deliberately held back from areas they should explore. She never will contribute to anything that will make truly a significant difference for people on Earth. If she should stumble accidentally into something that could be developed for the benefit of the people, she will not publish these findings but cover them up once her SEGNPMSS case officer says so. Top priority of Jane as scientist: total protection of the SEGNPMSS and its way of life for us. (The top controllers don't live as their lower agents and others have to.) Scientists as Jane will come up with no real useful scientific solution, just stupid little things, which continue the SEGNPMSS ways of life for most people. These are no findings that will rock the world and change life on Earth as we know it to something much better. These "scientists" will not find the cure of diseases or better prevent them from ever happening. They will not find solutions for the end of aging, and they will not find a way to prevent dying. They never will find out where a person comes from and where she goes after death – despite it can be scientifically proven. THEY ARE STUPID AND CORRUPT!

Jane in the NASA: her stupidity and corruption to cover up and work for this system will endanger the lives of astronauts and perhaps even her own. NASA should know that the SEGNPMSS uses remote controlled bacteria, which can be activated to destruct material and instruments in space shuttles. Top priority of Jane as NASA scientist: the total protection of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of SEGNPMSS secret space stations, and the SEGNPMSS secret control over any space exploration.

Jane in the military: just a few words here, friendly fire, treason, Abu Ghraib and other crimes. When the SEGNPMSS orders it, Jane will open friendly fire on any fellow service man or citizen. She will work secretly for the enemy country and will commit acts and/or omissions to lose wars for the USA. She will disgrace the reputation of the USA through incidents as Abu Ghraib. The SEGNPMSS idea behind it: to make the USA look like the German Nazis. They want to pin their own past and reputation on the USA and their SEGNPMSS agents in the USA and US military are helping them to archive this. SEGNPMSS radios American soldiers to also commit also otherwise crimes against civil persons to ruin the reputation of the USA. Top priority of Jane as military person: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within American governmental affairs, lost wars, ruin of Americas reputation, crimes against humanity and general crimes.

Jane as police officer: she will abuse her power and be easy on criminals and harass the innocent once her case officer tells her so. She will make false witness statements to help a criminal or to smear somebody innocent. Top priority of Jane as police officer: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within the police, injustice and brutality whenever this secret service orders it.
Jane as prison warden: she will pamper criminals and harass and torture those of which her case officer says don't belong to their system. Top priority of Jane as prison warden: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within the prisons, injustice, and brutality whenever this secret service orders it.
Jane as pastor or minister: we know what she would do if she would be a male priest. But she is a woman, so Jane will defame other religions and will not truly do the necessary actions to bring people closer to God and will not truly work to end crime but secretly add to it. Top priority of Jane as pastor or minister: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within the churches, defamation of other religions and no honest work to better the world.

Jane as librarian: she places at least four or five Mein Kampf volumes and other dirty and rotten books in the best places of the library but good books, she hides in the lowest shelves or throws them out completely. The SEGNPMSS also orders librarians to spray books and seats with contaminations, which cause diseases even cancer to cut the lives of the most curious and intelligent library visitors short. Top priority of Jane as librarian: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within libraries, best promotion of books with rotten contents, bad promotion of books with good contents and the contamination of books and equipment to cause illness and death.

Jane as owner of a car garage: if her case officer wants it, she overcharges any customer of who she thinks does not belong to their secret system. Before she gives her customers the car back, she deliberately leads some fumes and contaminations in the inside to harm him. I also don't trust her of having done a honest and good job. Some screws of her customers cars are deliberately loose. Some parts are sabotaged to break down soon. Top priority of Jane as mechanic: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within garages, and deliberately faulty work to cause accidents and deaths.

Jane as florist: don't smell those flowers. She sprayed them with harmful contaminants. Top priority of Jane as florist: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities within flower shops to cause allergies, sickness and deaths.

Jane as farmer: she waters her vegetables and fruits with contaminated water and knows how to breed bacteria and how to get them on her produce. You think that Jane will not do it because this will ruin her business, and her farm will go bankrupt? She will do WHATEVER her case officers radios her. They will tell her that health inspectors are part of their system and will overlook her crimes, and if any contamination is indeed traced to her farm, their system will whitewash her and will help her by other means. Top priority of Jane as farmer: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities on farms to cause diseases, shorten lifespan and kill.

Jane as cook in a Four Star or any other restaurant: she will spit in your food once her SEGNPMSS case officer orders it and then serve it to you. She has access to contaminated sprays, which she uses and sprays over food and seats of guests that the SEGNPMSS targets (including that of their own agents). Top priority of Jane as cook or restaurant owner or waiter: total protection of the secret existence of the SEGNPMSS and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities in restaurants to cause diseases as cancer from the food you are eating and the germs on the seats that crawl in your body and cause for example prostate and ovarian cancer.

Jane as nuclear plant employee: if her SEGNPMSS case officer radios her to organize radioactive leaks and secret actions that might end up in a possible radioactive leak, she will do it. Top priority of Jane as nuclear plant employee: Total protection of secret SEGNPMSS existence and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities in nuclear power plants and leaks, leaks, which might become public or remain secret.

Jane as investment banker: her customers are not getting good money advice if her SEGNPMSS case officer radios her to treat you as none of them. Jane will take their money but she will treat them like a nobodies and their money is not in good hands, even if them are agents of the same system. Top priority of Jane as nuclear plant employee: total protection of secret SEGNPMSS existence and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities in the banking and investment world.

Jane as hair stylist: people are getting a bad haircuts, awful perms that cause allergies and injuries, her tools are contaminated and unclean once her SEGNPMSS case officers radio her that her customer is the enemy (even if he is one of them). Top priority of Jane as hair stylist: total protection of secret SEGNPMSS existence and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities in the beauty industry.

Jane as pilot: once her case officer radios her that she has a passenger on board who needs to be tortured, she flies the plane in an altitude that hurt that passenger inner ears so badly that she/he will leave plane deaf for hours to come. (It is not made up, happened to me.) She will also drink and take drugs on the job and then fly the plane. Top priority of Jane as pilot: total protection of secret SEGNPMSS existence and concealment of German SEGNPMSS activities in aviation industry (includes also sending terrorists on board) and radioing the SEGNPMSS ground agents to allow planes collide.

I could go on and on…. There is no field in which I have not spotted the activities of the SEGNPMSS.More to come. Read the next chapter.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.