Friday, May 23, 2008

Chapter 19

Are you lucky if the SEGNPMSS allows you to grow old?

Gerontology websites show smiling seniors. What a fun it must be to be old! But here is the reality: it is no fun, and gerontology is the total failure. Instead insisting that people move into environmental protected surroundings (closed to the influence of the contaminated outside world) and produce their own healthy water and food, they are playing with worms and flies and extent the lifespan of those! (Just what we need: longer living vermin!)

As the human body is no fly and no worm, you can wait a couple of centuries longer or forever till they tell you what a person with a mind independent from the SEGNPMSS discovers: not injection, not pills, not medicine is the key for eternal youth and eternal physical life but a NEW WAY OF environmentally protected LIVING. Recycling, wearing sub block and eating biologically grown food IS NOT ENOUGH!

Jane grew old. She still is corrupt, lies, and conceals her SEGNPMSS agent life and activities, still complies to anything that is radioed her through her ear implants by anybody who knows her codes but she got tired and has a lot of pain and chronic pain as old people have it. Most of the time, life is not enjoyable anymore and certainly not pain free. She rather would stay in bed, the TV is running all the time, and she sleeps a lot.

Her medicine cabinet is full of prescription drugs and she takes them foolishly thinking that this medicine and these prescriptions drugs are not deliberately manufactured to make her contract other illnesses for against which she needs again new medicine. After all, the pharmaceutical industry is a SEGNPMSS run Billion Dollars business that wants to sell not cure. Read the small print. It the drug doesn't kill you right away, it sure does so by preparing your body for numerous other pains and illnesses for which the doctors describe you again medicine, and all of that – including germy and chemical food and water - will kill you at the end.

I know somebody who swallowed regularly prescription drugs. She didn't die on the illness she had but on the side effects of the prescription drugs.

Jane lives alone now as Ken left her many years ago for a younger woman.

Just as other people of her age group, Jane got fragile. One day, Jane slips on the floor in her kitchen and takes a hard fall.

Her children insist that she can't take care anymore of herself and as they are too busy with themselves and with doing what the SEGNPMSS radios them, they move Jane to a nursing home. Jane is horrified. She once committed her mother to a nursing home in which her mother died 10 months later, but she never thought that it would happen to her and that her own children would do something like that to her. She objects but has not nothing more to say. Jane's SEGNPMSS case officer (one of the thousands who ran her during the course of her little corrupt life) radios her that her children are awfully stubborn and that he can't change this but he would make sure that she is taken good care of in the nursing home.

He lied again and Jane – just like other old and weak people – is at the mercy of young and strong people, and she suffers like so many other old people abuse despite that these young people also run by the SEGNPMSS.

Nurses scream at her and retaliate against her because of her weak bladder. Despite expensive plastic surgery that Jane had was younger, she looks old and wrinkled. She was heavily overweight in her 40s, 50s and 60s but in her 70s, she shrank and is now very skinny. She has problems swallowing food, and the nurses often force physically and painfully food into her.

They give her food that she doesn't like, and it is too cold when she gets it. If she dares to say something or doesn't eat up they slap her and inject her with something that puts Jane asleep but make her the worst kind of nightmares. She complains about that to her children. Her children talk to the nurses and the nurses say that Jane's mind is not more working and that she is delusional and that would be typically for old folks. Jane becomes the target of physical and sexual assault, battery and sexual battery, rape, unreasonable physical restraint, prolonged and continual deprivation of food or water, a guinea pig for just about any medication they want to inject into her. Her caretakers slap, push, and beat her, and she is forced to stay in her room, and she never know what is injected into her, or handed through food or water to her and if it might kill her as the nursing home has too many old people and not enough staff. And if they would have less patients, the nurses would not have to come in on Sunday or the holiday, and as more old people die, as better for the leisure time of the nurses.

Hey, hey, you might say, what about Jane's case officers? Where are they?

Jane's SEGNPMSS case officers radio her that they are working at it and try to help her but in fact, they are plotting with the others against Jane. They would have the power to stop any abuse by the others but don't do it. It is the system in which especially the weak and helpless is completely without protection. In fact, the mistreatment of Jane and other old people is SEGNPMSS organized. They love to hurt others, even their own agents.

Jane is too old and too weak to be a security risk for the SEGNPMSS. Whatever she would say about the system is – just as her factual complaints about being abused in the nursing home - swept under the carpet. They would call her a crazy old and demented woman that babbles nonsense.

Her kids discover some injuries on her body but numerous nurses say that Jane is doing it to herself. The children's SEGNPMSS case officers radio to them and lie that the nurses are correct and that they watch the nursing home, and Jane is making the abuse up and is injuring herself.

Jane writes complaints to the authorities but her complaints are never mailed. The letters are opened, and the content is used as evidence for her alleged mental illness. She gets more drugs, which should "heal" her but they destroy her mind and body.

Jane lives in this hell for three years, 11 days, seven hours, and 33 seconds, then she dies. The actual process of dying is noticed, and a doctor injects a drug with a long painful needle straight into her heart to "strengthen it" but that makes her dying process even harder.

Jane is determined to get out of her body. She won't and can't stay here anymore. She wants to die and fights against the drugs and the nurses and the doctor who slap her body and into her face to allegedly make her come back.

Finally, she won. Jane has officially died. What a "help" the SEGNPMSS was in her pitiful life!

If she would have not worked for a secret service, if she would have not contributed to conspiracies against others but would have worked for a better world and equal rights for anybody and acceptance and improvement of ethics within the population, she would have had a much happier life and would have not ended up that way.

Poor, poor, stupid, and mislead Jane!

She died in age of 77.

As Jane has no body anymore, does she no longer exist?

Crap. The spiritual being, Jane, the personality never was physical as her body, and hence, what's not the body isn't dying like the body.

Jane without body hangs out in the room in which she dies and sees her children enter the room.

Actually, Jane feels good, she has no pains anymore and her perceptions were never better. She sees well and she hears and understands everything that is being said.

It appears to Jane that her daughter has kind of wet eyes but they soon dry. They seem all happy that she is dead because it was such a "burden" to visit her all three weeks and it was "so much better" for their Mom to die. Then they discuss the inheritance and start fighting about it.

What do you think will happen next? Will God taking SEGNPMSS agent Jane is his arms and forgiving her for her sins and let her into paradise?

There is a God who works on his mission to transform the world and the universe into a truly good one, but you can bet your ear implants on it that he will not welcome SEGNPMSS case officers and agents with open arms for all they have done.

So, what happens to Jane now? Will she go to hell? Yes, because Earth is hell. The personality, the soul, the spirit of Jane (or better thetan) Jane will take a new body and will go through same, similar or even worse problems and pains as she did in her former lifetime.

You did notice that Jane can see and hear also without a body, don't you?

She is flying next to her dead old body, and her son almost stepped on her, accidentally of course as he can't see her and would not recognize her without the body. Despite that it would not kill a spirit when someone steps on one, Jane still behaves as if she would have a body, e.g. goes around things instead going through them.

She yells: "Children, here I am!" But they don't hear her. Jane has NO BODY anymore, and she is a NOBODY.

One of the worst nurses comes in the room and throws a linen over Jane's dead body. Jane wants to retaliate for how she had to suffer under that nurse and wants to slam her the biggest injection needle within the nursing home in her behind - but Jane doesn't know how to pick it up. She has no hands anymore. She can think, see, hear, feel, has emotions, and she can move, crawl, roll even fly. But that's all.

And then, it happens again: Jane hears her SEGNPMSS code, and programmed for all eternity, she follows the call.

The SEGNPMSS can spot the person also without body, they can see her with special cameras (she looks like a transparent white little cloud now) and they trick her into her next lifetime.

She is programmed with the SEGNPMSS code beyond this lifetime, for all lifetimes – and that is anything but good for her or others.

They can trick her now to pick up a body of the other gender, which she would not have chosen, they even can implant her in an animal body, and they can lure her in a trap and destroy personality, the soul, the spirit of Jane (or better thetan) Jane in all eternity. They can dissolve her. That would be the end of her existence and the end of being able to take a human body. The little parts that are left of her might become nothing but bacteria in all eternity to come.

What a way to end. Still believing that ear implants and running on a code is a good idea?

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.