Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter 16

"Aging gracefully" or "Aging successfully" is so stupid and painful. Not aging at all and staying forever healthy is very smart.

That would be absolutely wonderful, wouldn't it? Imagine, your grow up but you don't age and you stay healthy. Science fiction? That is what the German psychiatrists and mind controllers and their international case officers radio in your ear implant. True, it would be paradise on Earth, and God is not the one who stands in the way and still has hard feelings against you because of that Adam and Eve produce thing.

(That apple story never made any sense to me. Why would God make people leave the paradise just because they ate an forbidden apple. If he would be a SEGNPMSS hard core controller, he would act this way but we are talking about God, the good, the just, the merciful. The story of Adam and Eve makes only sense if you explain the apple with drugs. There was the snake [an already existing slimy person or likely more, also to be explained with Satan or the Devil] who lured Eve into using drugs and tempting also Adam with drugs. I rather see Eve and Adam not as just two people but rather already as a civilization. Moreover, if you get an idea of God's personality, you know that he would have kicked nobody out of the paradise but that this civilization, which once lived in paradise ended the paradise by using drugs and by perverting. The rest of the story is life on Earth how we know it.)

Have a look around. People still live like in the stone age, don't they? Sure, I have seen a car or two, noticed planes, came to the conclusion how annoying cell phones are and have a time-consuming computer myself. That is not what I mean but rather that people don't protect themselves from the environment of which we all know that it makes us age, makes us sick, and die in it. What are people doing to protect themselves against aging? They smear a pound of expensive and lousy sun cream in their faces and on their bodies, and…. and age nevertheless. Those who can afford it pay for plastic surgery and fight their wrinkles and sagging skin by going under the knife, go through pain, risk that they look unnatural or butchered and pay dearly for it - but once they step out of the plastic surgeon's office, they age again. And in average, they nevertheless die in their 70s, and despite all plastic surgery, they still look somehow their age: old voice, old hands, and a fragile body.

So, what can be done to stay forever young and healthy? You have to find others who want to stay forever young and healthy, and you build what I describe below. It might seem very expensive in the beginning but it will be cheaper than health care. And you don't have to do it alone. Convince others to be a part of it.
1) Don't believe in that gene crap and that you have to age because it is in your genes. You have to get out of the radioactive, germ invested, toxic, and UV-world and you have to live in environmentally protected living spaces. Imagine an oasis, a village just under glass. You can have clean nature inside. Have water run over it to keep any micro dust outside and it will wash off radioactivity and toxins that might rain down on it. This oasis can be very beautiful. You also can leave it for hikes in the outside nature but don't be so stupid and do it without a protective suit!
2) You have to make your own oxygen. Did you ever see sun shining on air and all the dust in it? Exactly, that stuff and other toxins and poison goes in your skin, body, breathing system, and the rest of your system. No wonder that you are getting old, sick, and die.
3) You have to make your own food and water. Don't eat the stuff and don't drink water from the tab or from water bottles in the shelf. These germs are remote controlled and will let you age and kill you one day. Always remember, when the health officials say that something is "safe", it means that it will kill you in average of 70 years. "Safe" does not means immortality. It will kill you nevertheless. I don't think that you would have to reduce your calorie intake by living in such a world, and parts of what is considered junk food would be none under such conditions because YOU determine what's going in it and if none of the ingredients are toxic, radio-active or germ invested. Make your own natural remedies. Don't eat the stuff from the unprotected world.
4) Don't bath in or drink the unprotected-world-water. Germs that are in the chlorite water bite in your hair roots and make your hair gray and white. They also make you bold, gentlemen and bite your gorgeous lashes out, ladies. Don't dye your hair with the chemicals, if you want to stay forever young and healthy. The body was not created to be objected to chemicals.
5) You have to make your own clothes, don't slip in the clothes made out of fabrics of the unprotected world. They contain germs and can contain chemicals that don't allow you to stay forever young and healthy.
6) Build your own houses from natural elements within the environmental protected oasis and don't sit on the furniture of the unprotected world. The remote controlled germs in those crawl in your body: just as an example, the result for men: possible prostate cancer and for the women possible ovarian cancer. Yeah, yeah, I know there is a vaccine for girls on the market that allegedly will prevent ovarian cancer. We will see if it really protected when they enter a certain age. Also, don't forget that these vaccine, any medicine has these "side effects". While one disease might be held at bay, you might contract a number of others. MEDICINE IS NOT THE ANSWER, THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH IS NOT A PILL OR INJECTION OR ANOTHER FORM OF MEDICINE, THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH IS A FOUNTAIN AND AM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTED WAY OF LIVING. You have to make your own mineral water. Well water is not good enough. It is contaminated too and contains dangerous germs, which can be remote controlled and kill you.
7) Create your own very harmless energy on the inside of the oasis.
8) Build as transportation system a train or conveyer inside that does not pollute anything, walk, bike, or when you are too lazy for that, invent a robot that will carry you around but leave your stinky cars OUTSIDE of the protected oasis/village. Lately heard often the question what car Jesus would drive. How about: NONE!
9) Don't smoke, don't drink, don't take drugs. Never start. If you started, quit! Others did it, you can do. Those who have a hard time quitting, you should know that case SEGNPMSS officers/mind controllers are talking in their subconscious mind with silent sounds manipulating you to continue smoking, drinking and taking drugs. They are the snake who does not want you to live in paradise. They try to kill you and keep you in a stinking, dirty, nebulous germ cloud.

You very own case officer might not live in a protected environment. He/she might indeed be clueless as you are about what I wrote. However, the leading SEGNPMSS case officers definitely reside in such a protected environment in secret locations. I bet that Hitler was headed there, when he talked about the "bunker".

The SEGNPMSS leaders never would leave their protected environment/village/oasis without a protected suit. They haven't aged since centuries. The guys who invented the Nazis and put Hitler in charge are still alive. They are the Dorian Grays. They might be 500 years old but not by appearance and health. From they day, they moved in such a protected environment/village/oasis, their bodies did not age a second on the outside and inside. They keep all the radio activity, poison, UV beams, toxins, dust, germs, bacteria, viruses OUTSIDE of their protective environment/village/oasis, but they ORDER our world to be contaminated with all of that. They don't want to age or get sick but they order this fate for us, including most of their very own agents and other case officers. THE SYSTEM BETRAYS YOU. BEING LOYALTO THE SEGNPMSS IS LIKE KISSING THE DIRTY FEET OF YOUR SLAVE OWNER.
Whatever they gave you as "award" for working for them since you were a child, it is NOTHING compared what you could have - if you would bust them and create the world that I just described.

Don't be so dumb and create the world just for yourself and some co-conspirators. In order for you to be save, the entire world, the entire universe has to be save. The top SEGNPMSS case officers/mind controllers can and will become also victim of their very own system. It is not the environment, the food, the water, toxins, radioactivity or germs what is making them age or die. Their problem is that they can't trust each other. They are not good. One is after the other. They want to murder each other, and you can bet all psychiatric drugs and all ETC machines on Earth that numerous of leading SEGNPMSS officers were already killed in this beautiful healthy environment simply by force. Anybody of them can be the next victim.

Can we just wait till they killed each other, and would that end the system? I doubt it, because at least one of these monsters will remain and continue to run the world via his computer, recruit another breed of new SEGNPMSS hard core mind controllers and keep eternal youth and health and so much else from you.

Not allowing over 5 Billions of people on Earth to live forever and withholding from them that they could stay young and healthy forever is secret planetary mass murder.

Finally, the SEGNPMSS hard core did not discover on their own that they can stay forever young and healthy. They don't come up with any good thing. Somebody else made this discovery who wanted to anybody in the Universe to know about it and protect his/her youth and health. The SEGNPMSS (German secret service) stole the data and wisdom from him, kept it as secret and killed the person who researched and published these data first.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.