Friday, May 23, 2008

Chapter 17


There are numerous diseases of which doctors tell us what their case officers and mindcontrollers wants us to hear: many diseases are inherited, they are in your genes. After all, your great-great grandma, grandma, uncle, aunt, and dad died on it.

Yeah right! Wake up to reality: The body implant system tends to target a family with the same kind of diseases through remote controlled attack germs and bacteria.

This is how they fool people in believing that those illnesses are the family curse and inherited! You might get such a sickness because a rotten case officer once decided to kill your great-grandfather with it. On the day you are born, and likely already when the woman carrying your fetus body in her womb, the SEGNPMSS decides with what disease you should die. And you have not inherited it. They cause it with their trained germs. Once again: this system targets their own agents and not just the very few people who never worked or would work for them.

The medical terrorists of this secret service sit in medical German secret service labs and use their remote controlled germs to invent one disease after the other to torture people and kill them (often slowly so that their favorite agents, the doctors, the pharmaceutical industry makes some Billions from medicine that you buy to cope with the pains or in hope to become better, before they throw your germ and toxin abused body in some grave).

There are hundred of thousands of different diseases on Earth, and without the SEGNPMSS and its remote controlled bacteria, germs, viruses, and secret access into human and animal body and mind, you likely could reduce these diseases to zero.

As soon as one illness dies out, they come up with new diseases, which they deliberately developed and tested in their secret labs. After they bred the Aids virus, and then injected it deliberately in some apes, and radioed some of their primitive agents to have sex with the apes and humans, and the rest is history.

The SEGNPMSS is responsible for old as well as new diseases. If researchers would be smart and not corrupted by the SEGNPMSS, they would publish that illnesses are caused (besides exposure to toxic material and radioactivity) by remote controlled germs, bacteria, and viruses and by access by secret services (their psychiatrists and mind controllers) directly into the subconscious mind of people.

I wish I would have the time to list all the 500.000 plus diseases on this Earth here, with my observation, how they came to be and what can be done against them. But I have to concentrate on just a few. However, if you have a specific question, feel free to e-mail me to SEGNPMSS.BUSTED @ If the SEGNPMSS radioed you to insult me and to attack me for having published information about the SEGNPMSS, I will not reply - as I do not waste my time with stupid and mentally retarded SEGNPMSS robots.

The best way to heal diseases is preventing them by moving into an environment where you can't get them. The best way to find cures for diseases is to keep in mind that these diseases are man-made with remote controlled bugs. If you want to truly cure cancer, you have to ring the alarm bell against medical terrorism and the fact that germs, bacteria, and viruses can be remote controlled activated to cause just about any disease under the sun from any kind of cancer to any kind of heart diseases. Once this is known, authorities can go after them. I am convinced that all illnesses will drop dramatically once the SEGNPMSS doctors know that the general population is now aware of what they are doing.

Most killers of people are cancers, heart diseases, and strokes.

The hundred different cancers are caused by activation of bacteria that can cause cancer. The SEGNPMSS activates the bacteria with certain silent codes that they hear and then they attack your body and the result is cancer. These kind of bacteria, that can cause cancer once activated are everywhere in any country of the planet, because the SEGNPMSS ordered them to be spread into the air, water, food, clothes, medicine, furniture, books, newspapers, everywhere. You can't escape them, even if you would rip your ear implants and other body implants out. (Be reminded that you don't know where else they are besides in your middle ear. You likely got already body implants as baby in the hospital or already before, when pregnant Mom saw the gynecologist. She can't see what he is doing in her belly. She has no eyes down there. You can't get the implants out, but you can bust the SEGNPMSS system so that can't get away anymore with making you or anybody else sick and killing the world population.)

Heart disease works similar. The SEGNPMSS activates the bacteria with certain silent codes that the bugs hear and then they attack your body, and the result is heart disease. These kind of bacteria, that can cause cancer once activated, are everywhere in any country of the planet because the SEGNPMSS ordered them to be spread into the air, water, food, clothes, medicine, cosmetics, furniture, books, newspapers, everywhere.

Without activation, I think the germs would not do much harm. They are like other animals. You can make a dog in a pitch bull. In other words, the SEGNPMSS is making bacteria into pitch bulls and they rip around in your body. There are people who even swallow Lactobacillius adidophillius with 500 million microorganisms in each pill. I rather be shot than to eat those, because what is allegedly harmless or even good can and will be perverted once it is inside of your body.

The bacteria, once they hear their attack code can clock your arteries, can make your heart beat irregularly, can bite a hole in your heart, etc.

In the initial stages of aortic dissection, the inner layer of the aorta develops a tear which allows blood to escape and pool at the outer aortic wall. The outer wall can rupture, resulting in rapid blood loss. The remote controlled SEGNPMSS germs caused the tear by biting in the same spot till the rupture takes place.

Irregular beating of the heart, "arrhythmia," is caused by remote controlled SEGNPMSS bacteria. They make your heart flutter once they hear their silent activation code through your body implants.

"Congenital heart disease" means basically that the SEGNPMSS malformed your heart before or at birth with remote controlled germs that were in the body of your mother or where injected into her while she carried you. These remote controlled germs can cause that the left heart circulation has higher pressure and blood is shunted from the left to the right atrium, which results in increased pulmonary circulation and enlargement of the right heart. These germs are in your bloodstream and can mix oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. All the SEGNPMSS medical case officer has to do is having these bacteria in both streams run together.

And here is the killer beast Myocardial infarction, the "heart attack". A part of heart muscle dies because of a sudden blockage of a coronary artery (coronary thrombosis).

Guess what blocked your coronary artery? (I am glad that you are caching on.)

Blocking of the coronary arteries is most often due to "atherosclerosis". That is a buildup of fatty substances in the bloodstream within the inner layer of the arteries and over time it restricts blood flow to the heart. These substances can become blood clots. SEGNPMSS bacteria hear their code, their activation number under which they were bred and they create these fatty substances. In other words, if you die on a heart attack "Uncle SEGNPMSS Doctor" killed you. It was him who activated the germs in your body.

There is also dilated Cardiomyopathy, it is the diseases of the heart muscle. The heart muscle is weakened and the left ventricle becomes dilated as a result, leading to less blood output. The inflammation and weakening of the heart muscle is caused by chemicals and remote controlled SEGNPMSS bacteria.

Remote controlled bacteria can attack the muscle tissue in the septum that separates the two ventricles. They become abnormally thickened, and this is then called hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. It can cause heart murmur, angina, syncope, ventricular failure and of course your sudden death.

These remote controlled germs can cause aortic regurgitation. Your aortic valves do not close properly anymore, and they allow blood to flow back into the left ventricle. There will be a reduction of the pumping efficiency and that can cause you all kinds of problems.

And there is also Aortic Stenosis, this obstruction the left ventricle outflow can occur as a defect of the aortic valve, or be caused by an obstruction above or below the valve, which is caused by remote controlled germs. These germs can also harden the valves. Whatever the SEGNPMSS doctor wants these germs to do, they do it through hearing the remote control code. All he has to do, the polished SEGNPMSS case officer monkey is sitting at his computer and sending codes to the bacteria. I think without being activated by the SEGNPMSS, these germs would rather go to sleep.

And there is also the big lie of "inherited diseases". The SEGNPMSS kills since centuries with remote controlled germs. They killed your forefathers with certain remote controlled caused diseases by attacking their genes and nobody in your family got suspicious, and now they want to kill you with the same thing. Once the SEGNPMSS is busted, you will be surprised how few people on Earth will "inherits" any diseases.

Ward-Romano, Ellis-van Creveld, Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Holt-Orams, Marfan Syndrome, those are all names that cover up medical terrorism as "heritable" diseases. The SEGNPMSS knows how to target anybody's genes with remote controlled bacteria. Before you or your children are born, they decide already what kind of diseases you and your kids should "inherit" and on what you should die. These remote controlled germs attack you or your baby already in mother's womb, and they tortured and probably killed your relatives already before you with the same methods.

Remote controlled germs attack the genes, the bones, the tissue, the organs, the brain, and then the baby is born with one (or even more) of these "syndromes" including dwarfism, blindness, cleft lip, autism, conjoined twins, hearing loss, bone deformities, mental retardation (Fragile X), tumors as in Neurofibromatosis (they cause pressure damage to your nerves) diseases of the lungs and digestive system as Cystic fibrosis, with thick and sticky mucus (remote controlled germs clog the lungs, cause lung infections and cause obstructions to the pancreas) or the SEGNPMSS attacks you with remote controlled bacteria, the control center of your muscles, and then you "inherit" (Pseudohypertrophic or DMD) or they target you with degeneration of brain cells (Huntington).

Basically, even if it "runs" in your family, you or your baby won't get the diseases, if the SEGNPMSS does not activate remote controlled germs. But you or your baby will get it when the SEGNPMSS decides to do it with you.

If you wonder how they decide who should become sick and who not, it anybody's guess – but I assume they just roll the dice. In order to keep the world further afraid of diseases, and shovel lots of money to their colleagues, the pharmaceutical industry, the specialists, the psychiatrists, the pharmacists, the doctors, they have crazy SEGNPMSS statistics to fill. Such and such percent needs to be made sick with this and that disease. Anybody becomes the target of the remote controlled germs, sooner and later. The SEGNPMSS is like the Borg. Anyone is controlled and run by some anonymous case officers and mind controllers who are again run by other anonymous case officer and mind controllers, etc. And in the hard core sit the German psychiatrists and mind controllers who organize that all and keep it going by trying to play God, by being completely inhuman and incapable of being God.

They know how to control the world but they are missing any emotional intelligence.

I consider them the dumbest people who ever were born. They are arrogant and brutal and more machines than humans, stuck in their perverted ways, can't put themselves in the shoes of others, can't predict the future and as far as I am concerned, they do EVERYTHING wrong. They are completely incapable to fool me. Not one person in their entire army of case officers and mind controllers could mislead me in regards as to what they are doing.

It is really true, crimes make dumb. Once people commit crimes, they are afraid to confront that field again. They rather close their eyes. The SEGNPMSS commits the worst crimes in the history of the planet. They kill any person on Earth within approx. 70 years (many sooner, some later). By killing 6 Billions of people with remote controlled germs and by withholding from them that people could stay young and healthy by forcing them to live in a lousy, germ, toxic, UV, and chemical world, which is also full with violence, these guys are nothing but planetary mass murders.

More to come…

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.