Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter 22

"Suicide" terrorists? Terrorists, yes, but their "suicide" is rather something different.

Germans invented psychiatry to control people and to make experiments on them and their minds. It is within many who live in this region wanting to control other people and actually the entire world. I know so because I lived there once too.

The Germans also invented hypnosis.

The German Nazi secret service, the Gehlen Spy Ring was never dismantled by the American secret services.

If American agencies would not be secretly infiltrated by the SEGNPMSS and their agents, they would not just have dismantled the German Nazi secret service but also accused German psychiatrists and medical doctors of being not just the people behind Hitler but also having set up communism, the Cold War, the icy relationship between the former Soviet Union, the hostilities and terror acts against Americans and Jews by people who claim to be religious followers of the Islam, "home grown" terrorism, and the a bad reputation of the United States all over the world.

If American agencies would not the be secretly infiltrated by the SEGNPMSS and their agents, they would have blown the whistle on SEGNPMSS mind control and terror activities and secret murders within the USA and all over the world.

Hitler and the Nazis were defeated thanks to the leadership of Supreme Allied Commander Dwight David Eisenhower. However, due to the German/psychiatric infiltration of the U.S. government, U.S. secret services, and other U.S. agencies turned two blind eyes in order not to discover that the same people who are were behind Hitler, the psychiatrists, the Nazi did not just give up but continue to rule the world secretly and the United States is getting the bad rap.

Watch the documentaries about Nazi, Gestapo, SS and psychiatric activities within in the Third Reich. What makes people think that insanity simply evaporated into thin air? What makes people think that the top psychiatrists behind the Third Reich and the Nazis simply gave up after they lost the war? Insanity doesn't work this way. Crazy people are not suddenly sane just because they were defeated.

What makes people think that Hitler indeed committed suicide and that they did not kill somebody else instead of Hitler? What makes others think that the people behind Hitler and the Nazis live the way we have to and die in average within 70 years? What makes others thing that they did protect their health and are alive and still are going strong today? What makes others believe that they did not teach younger generations to adopt their hatred against Americans and Jews and that also they do not keep the SEGNPMSS continuing?

Strings need to be pulled and dots need to be connected. To think that fanatical people, as the German psychiatrists and Nazis just gave up because they were defeated is completely illogical. They are too crazy to retire. They MUST control the world. They MUST cause harm to tell themselves that they still have the power. And they are BEHIND today's terrorists. Bet on it.

History makes a lot of sense when you recognize that the Nazis and the men behind them just changed their operations and work now again more in the background, using other nations and ethnic groups to commit the hate and terror acts for them.

These SEGNPMSS hard core, the German psychiatrists and medical doctors live in environmentally protective surroundings, and time and diseases doesn't kill them. People on the unprotected surface of the earth die in average within 70 years. They don't. If they want, if they don't kill each other because anybody wants to be the top ruler, they can live forever in this environment.

Psychiatrists and still existing German Nazis make the suicide terrorists and bombers, through hypnosis and mindcontrol. They are behind the insurgency in Iraq. They are behind the Taliban and Al Queda. They were/are behind the brutal Ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, numerous states in Africa and any other country of the world.

Homeland Security, the CIA, the NSA, the US defense secret services, Scotland Yard, Mossad, Interpol, and other secret services don't investigate the German ordered and German organized psychiatric mindcontrol behind terrorism (with and without suicide) and therefore, they never get a handle on terrorism. It is as simple as that. If you don't confront the wild animals, they will go after more victims. The world is in a stage of chaos, because this German secret service succeeded in 1) attaching just about anybody to their system when they were dumb kids, 2) hiding its existence and identity. This secret service is more secret that any other. It is possible that this secret service has millions of different names among their own agents but is one and the same rotten to the bone organization and movement. "

"I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge and consent into committing treason against the United States", boasted psychiatrist George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. He told how disguised techniques of hypnosis could be employed to create an entire army of

saboteurs within our own country. "Let us suppose that in a certain city there lives a group of a given foreign extraction. They are loyal Americans but still have cultural and sentimental lies to the old country. A neighborhood doctor, working secretly for a foreign power, hypnotizes those of this patients who have ties favorable to his plans. Having done this he would, of course, remove from them all knowledge of their ever having hypnotized."

These are also the "suicide" bombers, terrorists, school- and mall shooters and other violent criminals of today. Estabrooks must have tried that out under the supervision of the SEGNPMSS and he must have created such enemies. He said that hypnosis is a lethal weapon and sure it is. If the United States, secret services, law enforcement and the courts would not be SEGNPMSS controlled, they would make the case that also today's terrorists are created by German Nazi psychiatrists.

The SEGNPMSS orders psychiatrists in any country to hypnotize certain people and to implant them into being terrorists. They are then "sleepers" and run around in trance till they hear their SEGNPMSS code/signal, and they execute the horrible radioed SEGNPMSS terror order and commit another atrocity. There are ways to find out if somebody was hypnotized and this is why this very secret German Nazi secret service rather wants these people to commit "suicide" after they committed the SEGNPMSS terror act.

The analytical minds of these hypnotized people are no longer working. They are not more the same people as they were before the psychiatric mindcontrol treatment.

One of the instructors of one of the American flight schools - in which Sept. 11 terror attacks ring leader Atta took his flight lessons - said that Atta told that he would be German. (No surprise here, I bet the farm that his case officer/mindcontroller was German too.) She also said what was stinking about him was that he was so robotic.

And the American secret services and law enforcement agencies and neither the 9/11 Commission searched for what made him and the other terrorists so robotic.

People in Atta's home country did not describe him as robotic. They told that he "changed" in Hamburg/Germany. That's right, there is where the SEGNPMSS was looking for people with enough hatred in their personality to kill others. German psychiatrists hypnotized him (and the other Sept. 11 terrorists) and made them into remote controlled zombies. They have the technology to do that and they do it.

I have met such psychiatric altered people in person, and boy, from just mean jerks, they transform into perverts and robotic monsters after the hypnosis.

Psychiatrists can remove memory of people, with hypnosis, e-shocks, microwaves, laser beams, brain surgery, and drugs. If anything can be called "brainwashing" that this because it washes away any reluctance by a person against committing heinous cromes.

I saw a tape in which SEGNPMSS agent Bin Laden gloated that numerous of the Sept. 11 terrorists did not know that it was a "suicide mission". Again, one member of this secret system is betraying the other one. Everybody loses with the system, also the terrorists.

They just run anymore on their hate program, they hear their codes/signals to which they obey since they were young children.

They subconsciously hear the silent sounds, the tapes with commands that repeatedly are radioed into their minds via electromagnetic waves, which fill their minds with more hatred and ordering the killings. Psychiatric drugs and other drugs are also involved and keep the mind in a fog. In other words: these rotten terrorists are indeed also victims of other rotten to the bone SEGNPMSS doctors, their case officers/mindcontrollers of which they thought they would protect and help them.

It is very important to keep hatred out of one's heart. Anybody can be ambushed by SEGNPMSS doctors who mess people up with the hypnosis, implants and silent sounds, but a person who does not hate others will be just very confused and unhappy after such a procedure and perhaps committing "suicide" but will not kill others regardless what the SEGNPMSS radios in their minds. The SEGNPMSS knows that people who do not hate make even in hypnotized condition no good terrorists. Therefore, they select people who hate, as they carry out the heinous hate crime and after they did what the SEGNPMSS ordered them to do, they are usually killed, either being shot by somebody or being radioed to turn the gun on themselves or going down with the victims as in the Sept. 11 planes.

The Sept. 11 terrorists and other terrorists as Harris and Klebold and other school, university and mall shooters made the huge mistake to hate others. That is why they were selected by this still active German Nazi Psychiatrist's Mindcontroller Secret Service to commit the terror acts and then to commit "suicide".

Jews and American hating Muslims should not forget that they were just selected and used to continue the battle of the Nazis. History shows that German psychiatrists use their allies and also their own nationals in all kinds of deadly battles and then let them go down.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.