Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chapter 3

We live in an alleged free world in which nobody is free

People are being indoctrinated and controlled and haven't a clue what's really happening to them.

I am persecuted, stalked, attacked, tortured (particularly with remote controlled germs but also microwave torture) conspired against, and defamed, because I figured out what is going on in this world. But I have to speak out. It would be false to keep my findings to myself, even if the pressure on me mounts and even if they kill me early. When you are a target that is medically tortured by a secret service, as I am, losing your life doesn't scare you, because not the dying but rather living with the pain is the heroic act. I really don't have much to lose except pain.

Governments, politicians, news organizations, all kinds of other organizations, and people are telling over and over that we – especially those people in democratic countries - live in a free world, where people can do what they want and have rights. Perhaps all of you learned that this may not always be the case, but I say it is NEVER the case. There is nobody free on earth, it doesn't matter in which country you live, what status you have, what position you hold and if you are rich or poor. The presidents and the street sweepers are in the same boat, all suffer the consequences of a medical terror secret service that nobody busted but that should have been busted already centuries ago. They tell over and over that we are free because we should believe their lies. Nobody should question it.

People are being indoctrinated and haven't a clue what's really happening to them. They are over and over indoctrinated that they live in a free world and most people indeed believe it. Those who don't believe it are being discriminated against, and they are defamed as "criminals", "psychos", "crazy people", "schizos" or "kooks".

So, in what kind of prison are we? We are in a mind controlled prison, our minds, our thoughts, our spiritual awareness, our bodies, our health, our future, all is controlled by a fanatical and obsessed German originated, German controlled, and German oriented psychiatric secret service. Its hard core consists mainly of psychiatrists and medical doctors (once nothing but barbers). Its founders, executives, and members, its hard core hides in secrecy and are mainly psychiatrists, medical doctors, chemists, pharmacists who have no conscience, no decency, no ethics, no morals and are completely above the laws of any country. They are perverted and evil. They are Dorian Grays on the inside.

They operate more secretly than any other secret service on earth, and the real name of this organization is top secret. As its real name is not even know to their agents, I had to give this movement from hell a fitting name, and here it is: SEGNPMSS = Still-existing- German-Nazi-Psychiatrists'-Mindcontroller-Secret-Service, in German: INEDBPNG = Immer noch existierender deutscher bewusstseinskontrollierender psychiatrischer Nazi-Geheimdienst.

The German Nazi secret service, the Gehlen Spy Ring was never dismantled by the American secret services. Rotten and strange isn't it? They just took another name and turned into the present BND, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, the German Federal Intelligence Service. They have of course an idiotic PR-line to explain that, which is that the USA needed the Nazi secret service against the Soviets, but they are of course concealing that they also invented and controlled communism. In other words, one part of the SEGNPMSS system protected the other SEGNPMSS part.

Anyway, if you thought the Nazis were gone, you were fooled.

Is the Gehlen Spy Ring, the BND or the Bundesverfassungsschutz (BfV) in English = OPC (another German secret service that allegedly protects the German constitution by violating their own German constitutional laws by defaming and persecuting religion) the SEGNPMSS? I am rather convinced that the Gehlen Spy Ring and also the BND and the BfV/OPC and all other German secret services are secret junior organizations of the SEGNPMSS. In other words: the SEGNPMSS is the leader, the secret master, it was already there before these other organizations came to be, and they set the Nazis up and just other rotten movement on Earth.

According to my private studies, I already discovered clear traces of their organized and rotten behavior several centuries back. During the Nazi time, the SEGNPMSS showed their real brutal faces by running Hitler, the SS, the Gestapo, the concentration camps and the extermination of so many people. If you ever want to know what kind of people sit in the center, in the hard core of the SEGNPMSS: see the documentaries on the Third Reich and the concentration camp activities. That is the inhumanity and brutality what we still are dealing with.

Usually, if somebody mentions their existence, the SEGNPMSS immediately mobilizes its international robotic agents and instructs them to run a defamation and smear campaign against the person who speaks out against them in order to destroy his/her reputation.

As most people are kept so busy in a deliberately complicated world, they have no time to pull strings and hunt for facts and the truth, therefore, these defamation campaigns usually work, and this means that the people on Earth stay slaves without knowing that truth is withheld from them and that they could have a much better life without the SEGNPMSS.

The truth should stay forever buried, and when one dares to speak out, he or she becomes the target of lies, black propaganda, harassment, and torture, and might be murdered as some of those who dared to criticize them before. Needless to say, once a critic of them is dead, his writings against the SEGNPMSS are removed, and the general public will not find these writings anywhere anymore - except in a heavily guarded safe in the SEGNPMSS headquarter. What will be left is just a black propaganda about their critic. Somebody bad – somebody crazy, and nobody ever should know how the person really was – very good, very intelligent and very courageous.

Check the next chapter out – if you got the courage…

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.