Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chapter 7


All these children and juveniles who are in troubles have case officers. The SEGNPMSS is a heck of a system, isn't it? The kids take drugs, they are involved in criminal activities, they bully and are bullied, they commit suicide attempts and suicide, try to kill somebody, kill somebody, shoot other students and teachers, they are getting pregnant, they impregnate girls, they cut themselves, they drive reckless or drunk, they cause accidents, they skip school, and the list goes on. If this system would be worth the ten cents that the ear implant costs, they would end these conditions. But they don't.

Again, let's hope that Jane's parent have some good influence on her, and she isn't involved in any of that above, but that is rather unlikely. The least she will do is cheating through school with the help of her ear implants.

Instead giving children the tools to learn how to study and work on a stress free school, which can be attended without that a kid thinks it needs a case officer and ear implants, the SEGNPMSS makes school as hard, complicated, hostile, and dangerous as possible.

There is a boring teacher who talks to 40 students at the same, and they will doze off. They miss information at the end of the class. They might not catch up, but there is the SEGNPMSS case officer who waits for that, as it is his first big chance to make the kid commit illegal and criminal acts and crime will bind them together.

A case officer might radio a teacher through his ear implants to explain material badly or incompletely. I just heard of a student that she has exactly the problem. The students can't follow his instructions. Another big change for the case officer to come to the "rescue" later (by reading the test answers to the kid during examinations) because nothing is kept more secret but a bad conscience.

The German mind controller secret service, the SEGNPMSS wants pupil and students to cheat through school to keep them in-line. As more crimes they commit, as higher the likelihood that they will stick with the system. They are partners in crime. They will not blow the whistle on Jane if she doesn't blow the whistle on them.

Her cheating could cancel her high school diploma, her transcripts, her grades, her college decree, her doctoral decree, anything. And she could face jail or prison. Besides the false school decrees, she takes a job that she is not allowed to have under the law, as the law requires that somebody knows the examination questions and not just repeat what the case officer radios her. Jane is trapped.

Back to school. Is Jane safe there? No! How about violent crimes and school shootings, arranged by the same system that runs all children, including those that shoot. The SEGNPMSS knows who of the kids is most dangerous and instead of protecting the other kids, they let these dangerous kids not just attack and kill others, they put them up to it.

The SEGNPMSS also runs the teachers, the professors, the principals, the school inspectors, the security guards, the bus drivers, the trainers, the school nurses, the school doctors and psychologists and by all means, the school psychiatrist through ear implants.

Jane is not in good hands at all. Nobody is.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.