Monday, December 8, 2008

Chapter 29

Religion has several definitions but in short, the idea behind it was originally to acknowledge the existance of a supreme being who is good, called God, the creation of the universe, life after death and as human being worthy to see God.

My question is: what is wrong with it, and why is religion made to the "Satan" of our times?
The word religion comes from the word Latin: religio, ligo, which means "to bind together". It should bind human beings, families, groups, communities and nations together in love, unity and ethical behavior.

My question is: what is wrong with it, and why is religion made to the "Satan" of our times?

Religion should inspire people to ask these questions and make them understand them: Where did I come from? Where do I go when I die? Will I see those again who I love? Do I have a duty or obligation to better the world? How should I live? What is ethical and what is not?

My question is: what is wrong with it, and why is religion made to the "Satan" of our times?

Religion should make people behave honest and ethically. They should not do to others what they don't like to be done to themselves. They should be kind to each other, help each other, commit no perversions and no crimes, build great civilizations, create peace on earth and live joyful in all eternity in the midst of those who they love most.

Those are the greatest goals ever and therefore, my question is once again: what is wrong with it, and why is religion made to the "Satan" of our times?

History showed that unethical and untrue behavior led to pain, sickness, insanity, suffering, lack of freedom and death.

Now we come closer to what's wrong with "religion". Those who make religion to the big "Satan" are those who do not want peace on earth, ethical behavior, and happiness for others.

But... you might say, there are people who did and do bad things in the name of religion, and that it is why religion is the big "Satan".

I too meet bad people of just about any "denomination", and this includes the leaders of so-called religious groups. We also heard of people who torture and kill others in the name of religion.
How come? Why don't they behave ethically and good to fellow men?

The answer is simple. Any religious group is infiltrated by non-religious SEGNPMSS agents. They don't understand religion and religious values. The SEGNPMSS recruits all over the world such people and let them infiltrate religion to ruin the repetition of religion in general.

The SEGNPMSS consists in its hard core of German psychiatrists and racists who can't stand it that that people believe in God and that they want peaceful civilizations. If we have peace, they have nothing to amuse themselves with. They love and work constantly to pervert people and to make them kill each other. Horrible human suffering is for them great entertainment. They are basically animals who want religion to be destroyed. They do not want religious behavior and religious conscience. Ethics for them is as bad as garlic, a wooden stick and a cross for vampires. They are deeply disturbed individuals. And these are the people who are calling the shots on Earth by radio in the ear implants of just about anybody.

You might say that horrible things were done in the name of religion since many centuries and that the SEGNPMSS did not exist in these times.

I beg to differ. People who run the today's SEGNPMSS existed also in those times and commited their inhumane and rotten activities already in these ancient times. Those are the same people. They learned nothing from history. They are completely unable to change. They are fixed in destructive behavior patterns. If they die, they are born again like other people too and then they commit the same atrocities again.

Basically, these SEGNPMSS psychiatrists think that they are the most smartest people because they succeeded in having the world on a string, and nobody except a few know of their existence. Behind their unbelievable sleaziness, they are actually very stupid. They have emotionally no intelligence. They are emotional dwarfs. Especially if something bad happens to good people, they feel uplifted because they think that if a good person has to suffer that they must be supreme beings as they don't have to suffer because nobody does to them what they do to us.

I also are sure that these fools try to provoke God who has his own plan with these conscienceless butchers, which they can't figure out of course because crime makes dumb.

The SEGNPMSS hates religion, peace and great civilizations because they are insane.
They hire brutal non-religious people and have them commit murders and terror attacks in the name of God. The purpose of this all is to make the Earth population to reject religion and God and to ask no more these basic and so vital questions of who they are and where they came from and where they go. They want the Earth population to ignore ethical rules and not believe in life after death and accept them as highest beings and not ask for God. They want the total eradication of religions and their values. They want the world in pain and blood and suffering for all eternity to come while they are hiding in secure places arranging movements as the Nazis, ethnic cleansing, terror attacks and the decline of religion, morals and ethics.
Religion has to stay but the SEGNPMSS has to go.

Even governments are involved in the black propaganda against religion. If religion comes in contact with the government, one can see the SEGNPMSS influence clearly. Indeed, we don't want any SEGNPMSS controlled religion to run the government but not allowing religious values anywhere within the government is clearly SEGNPMSS influence.

Instead of removing a religious monument from a public place, I would rather ask any other religions to put their monument up there too.

May the religion with the most truth win.

We need more calls and encouragements for ethical behavior. People should be reminded at any street corner to do the right thing. Not by just one religion but by all of them.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.