Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter 28

You heard that some doctors say that people of certain minorities are more vulnerable to diseases. The official "excuse" for that is that it would be "in the genes". I beg to differ. I am saying that the SEGNPMSS is a bunch of medical racists and killers and they target these minorities including their own agents. Race is biologically rather without significant. So why
do people of minority groups as Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Jews are diagnosed in addition to the illnesses that white people are getting with even more diseases? Is that really so hard to figure out?

The SEGNPMSS (a German organized, German controlled, German oriented psychiatric and medical secret service who was also behind the Nazis but with roots go back centuries when they still were barbers) targets ethical groups because they still are what they always were: racists. They are using remote controlled germs, toxins and microwave technology and other modern
technology to cause pains, diseases and death. Why are they doing it?

1) They are basically animals, many with medical university degrees. They have human bodies but the minds and characters of monsters. They have no human qualifications whatsoever. They actually belong in closed cages in a zoo.

2) Despite they are the lowest life forms there are, they think they are something better than he rest of the people as they have power of health, life and death.

3) They are truly insane and don't want to better themselves. In order not to be reminded how bad they are, they work hard to pervert the world so that they feel not alone as perverts and criminal monsters.

You heard that the so-called people of color (Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos and Asians) tend to be at a higher risk for developing diabetes even when their BMI is not considered obese or overweight. Here is why: SEGNPMSS targets them with remote controlled germs and technology. The OMHD is of course SEGNPMSS controlled and clueless as to medical terrorism.

Other so-called "ethnical" SEGNPMSS diseases are:

Kidney diseases are higher with people of minorities. The actual problem: The SEGNPMSS consists of racists with medical education, and they cause these kidney diseases with remote controlled germs (most of the time they enter the body through water, food and medicine), silent sounds, and microwave.

Cancers are higher with people of minorities. The actual problem: The SEGNPMSS consists of racists with medical education, and they cause cancer with remote controlled germs (most of the time they enter the body through water, food and medicine), silent sounds, and microwave. In the body, these cancer germs attack the healthy cells of the human body. It is up the "grace" of the individual SEGNPMSS medical doctor as to what cancer you should get.

Hispanics, Blacks and Indians are getting sick with diabetes more than so-called white people. It is a SEGNPMSS disease that doesn't allow the body anymore to process sugar correctly and it is not just done to overweight people.

With remote controlled germs, silent sounds and microwave, the SEGNPMSS doctors attack the pancreas and interrupt normal insulin production.

There are two main types of serious diabetes. Type 1 diabetes people are unable to produce the hormone insulin because the remote controlled germs prevent it. Under normal circumstances, the beta cells in the pancreas produce the insulin. The beta cells are attacked by the remote controlled germs and cause diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes people can produce insulin (but perhaps not enough anymore) but their cells are germ-sabotaged and don't respond to the insulin that adjust the sugar regulation under normal circumstances. In either case, glucose can't get in the cells and blood glucose levels become too high and cause serious problems.

Hispanics are getting much more tuberculosis than the so-called white people. How come?
Racist SEGNPMSS doctors target them with remote controlled active TB bacteria that travel through the air. (Nobody is safe. I am allegedly a "Caucasian woman", and the SEGNPMSS doctors made me almost waste away in the tender age of 15.) It targets the lungs but the SEGNPMSS can make it spread also to other parts of the body as the kidneys, bones, joints, and other parts.

American Indians are particularly targeted with silent SEGNPMSS sounds to commit suicide. A slimy SEGNPMSS psychiatrist radios via the ear and body implants of people into the subconscious minds. These transmissions make the recipients severely depressed and make them to commit suicide. This SEGNPMSS technique helps p$ychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry to make money through depressed people. If you are having suicidal thoughts, changes are big that SEGNPMSS play "I don't want to live anymore"- tapes in your subconscious mind. It is one of their favorite killing method because the insane SEGNPMSS doctors does not consider that their murders because the target died "through his or her own hand". They are in denial of what they do to mankind.

Attacking the black women to cause a higher rate of premature births. Premature babies die sooner or may not be as healthy as other babies. The SEGNPMSS doctors think that these babies have no right to live nor that they have a right of a healthy life. There have techniques to cause premature birth. Silent sounds also work on the premature baby. The baby can hear and can be radioed to be born premature. Also germs and microwave target the body of mother and child and can cause the premature birth.

I sometimes read that black people carry certain "variations of genes" that give them weaker hearts. This is a load of baloney. The SEGNPMSS consists of medical racists, and they target black people just as they were also behind the KKK. Remote controlled germs, microwaves target these hearts, which would be otherwise healthy.

The proteins of cells are targeted with remote controlled germs. Anybody's body is targeted with remote controlled germs, bacteria, fungi and viruses. These little lifeforms are activated with silent sounds and microwave and destroy your body. It all is done with tapes and computers.

Take cancer for example: If they want you to get cancer, they target your body with their cancer program. If they never shut it off, you will die on it. If they decide that they just wanted to "tease you" and help the pharma industry to Billions of dollars or paid prescriptions, you are then called a "cancer survivor".

Same goes for heart attacks. If they cause you a massive heart attack caused by remote controlled germs and microwave, you are dead before you can scream: "The SEGNPMSS is killing me." If they like to torture you for the reason of torture, they cause you many little heart attack and empty your wallet for medical treatment and drugs.

Having people die on heart diseases is the favorite killer by the SEGNPMSS barbers. They like it so much that they target any racial group including the Caucasians, men and women.

So, what do they do to the poor hearts of ours? If you are a target of the SEGNPMSS and you had surgery with general anesthesia, there is a big chance that they had their agent doctor or nurse or medical technician inject you deadly bacteria directly into your heart. But these bacteria can enter also by other means in your body: water, food, beverages, medicine, drugs, air, cosmetics, clothes, furniture, you name it, anything you came and come in contact with.

If they are not activated and made aggressive with silent sounds and microwaves, they will remain rather calm and you would not even know that you carry the killers inside of your heart. However, activated, they are a horrible torture and can kill you within a moment.

Many heart attacks occur as a result of the buildup of plaque on the inner walls of the coronary arteries. Those are transported there by the remote controlled germs. Then the SEGNPMSS makes the germs bite the plaque open, which causes a blood clot to form at that very spot. A heart attack takes place if the clot becomes larger due to more germs living there and multiplying and adding their waste there and this cuts off most or all of the blood flow through the artery. This is one of the favorite secret mass murder activities by the SEGNPMSS barbers.

Silent SEGNPMSS sounds played in the subconscious mind of people support heart attacks and the closure of arteries, e.g. taking drugs, no exercise, wrong food, smoking, drinking, stress... However, I am sure that if the SEGNPMSS targets you to die by the stroke of midnight today, they can do it with their remote controlled germs and microwave even if you live a very healthy life.

Their remote control can even bite a hole in the heart of people and also to the heart of a baby while still in Mom's womb. Just about any of these diseases shows us what insane and brutal people the SEGNPMSS doctors are.

And there is also the stroke, another secret SEGNPMSS killer. Their doctors use remote controlled germs, silent sounds and microwaves to activate germs within the body of a person. These germs are directed to block blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. These germs are "settled" in a certain are if the blood vessel and make that their home. They live there and multiply and lay their waste in that area till it is blocked, and you got a stoke. It disables people or kills them.

Thrombosis or embolism are similar torture and killer methods of the SEGNPMSS doctors.

I once rode in a train in Germany. A young German man sat across me and with a burning cigarette, and he targeted a beetle (and tried to intimidate me of course). He did not kill the beetle right away but tortured it by slowly causing one burn after the other to that insect. Why I am writing this here? Because it should make you aware of the typical emotional state of the SEGNPMSS officers. That is how they are. And they torture anybody if they can, including their own agents. You are not at all safe, even if you received one of their ear implant and are working for them.

As these people have no respect of other races, they target these people of other races even more than people of their own race. These ethnic people's subconscious mind is even more manipulated with tapes that repeat an unhealthy lifestyle than the subconscious minds of people of their own race.

Just as an addition: Barack Obama is popular. Even people who are usually not supporting his party find him charismatic and are wishing him well.

But the SEGNPMSS is a racist movement. The President of the United States is "naturally" a hate target for the SEGNPMSS and Barack has African-American "genes", which means that he is even twice likely the target of medical and other terrorism. What does that mean?

Barack Obama has to take his personal security even more seriously than other President. He has to take his security as seriously as a Jewish President because the SEGNPMSS is out there and has the means to kill by using not just attack terrorists but also using medical terrorists who are able to kill people with remote controlled germs, mindcontrol, silent sounds and microwave and other technology.

The best what Barack Obama and any other president and heads of state could do is to go after the SEGNPMSS (which is also the mastermind behind Al Queda and any other terror group on Earth. If the president or heads of states would point the fingers to these medical monsters behind the suffering and death of people, they would get the message that the abuse and
the secret medical murders and the open terror attacks will no longer be taken, and these barbers would think twice before they order and arrange further killings.

Nobody wins with the SEGNPMSS. Nobody. Not even SEGNPMSS leaders are winning
as they are plotting against each other too. Problem is only that they don't die out. As soon one of the leaders is murdered, they promote another animal on the same job who has no human education (but medical education) and no human qualifications either.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.