Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chapter 26

What happened to your voice? And why did you say what you didn't mean to say?

Let's say, you run for a political office and the SEGNPMSS wants to make a fool out of you - (Again, don't believe that they spare you just because you work since ever for this German psychiatric secret service that runs also your case officers and you.) - or you apply for a job and you are sitting in the office of the personal chief and are making a fool out of yourself there or you are in any other situation where you have to rhetorically be at your best.

Suddenly, your voice is completely gone or so hoarse that you hardly can be understood. Happened to former President Clinton several times. The U.S. President, officially the most powerful man on the planet can't speak as he wants. That is what the SEGNPMSS loves. They love to embarrass, and they do that also to their own agents.

Sure, doctors always are quick to tell us that this is just some kind of more or less serious disease. But what is really going on?

The vocal cords can be attacked by remote controlled germs and/or microwaves. This causes a hoarse or very weak voice or even complete loss of the voice. The attacks against the speaker or the singer are silent. He has no idea that he is targeted. All he notices is that he is not in control of his voice. Mean, isn't it?

People go to the doctor and asking for x-rays. The x-rays usually show the "medical problem" but it is there because remote controlled activated germs and microwave was used on the speaker. Besides the problem of x-ray radiation, the SEGNPMSS has access to any kind of x-rays and can use them to direct remote controlled germs and their microwaves even more exactly to the problem area to make the "medical problem" WORSE.

Of course, when somebody has a serious health problem, it needs to be taken care of right away. Safe lives whenever you can but you don't save them on a long range or forever as these German secret service controlled germs and microwaves kill secretly anybody sooner or later. What we all have to do is to tell these monsters that we know that they are there, how they work and manipulate mankind and that we will track them down and put justice on them that will make their disgusting pig heads spin.

So, what is with suddenly saying something that you didn't meant to say? It happens very often. You say exactly the wrong thing to your wife, husband, girlfriend, children, neighbor, boss, teacher, friend,colleague, business partner, reporter, etc. So, why did you say it? It slipped out of your mouth because the SEGNPMSS knows how to talk secretly in your mind. They are talking with silent sounds in your mind and make you say it and then they have a good laugh at you (ignoring that they sit in the same trap and that another case officer does it also to them) and the problem and the consequences that they caused for you and others.

There is nobody in the world who knows everything immediately and never forgets anything. I don't believe a second that these word game champions have no help of their case officers. In other words: their case officers know the questions in advance and radio the correct answer to the person they want to win. (Trust me: the person who won is not lucky either as she has to live with a bad conscience and the SEGNPMSS finds other ways to harm that person later on.)

The world is held deliberately complex to keep us all busy so that we have no time to think and discover the SEGNPMSS. You can catch anybodyoff guard with a certain question and make him or her look stupid. The SEGNPMSS knows what you don't know or forgot. Sometimes you know something but at the moment, when somebody asks you the question, you can't recall it. (The SEGNPMSS sends you a silent command to forget that piece of knowledge and unfortunately, it works and can cause also bad grades in school.)

They have all your thoughts in a computer. They just have to entersome terms and check if you are familiar with them. If you are not, they channel the reporter or personal director through his ear implants to ask you EXACTLY THAT QUESTION THAT YOU DON'T KNOW OR FORGOT.

Bang - it happens. You won't get the job. If you stand in the public light and when a reporter asks you EXACTLY THAT QUESTION THAT YOU DON'T KNOW OR FORGOT, you are now officially an idiot. In addition, the SEGNPMSS radios reporters and other broadcasters over and over repeat that blunder, and you likely never will get rid of the "stain" and hear the end of it.

Politically, you will not survive and the late night comedians will ridicule you for as long as you show your face in public and even longer. You are politically dead because you are "unqualified".

(But please note that I never said that there are no dumb politicans. The SEGNPMSS can radio dumb politicans to say always the politically correct thing because they want them to have power as dumb people allow them to control them, and they don't understand the danger of the SEGNPMSS.)

There is also stuttering and stammering. Of course, anybody can improve his or her speech by practicing but the SEGNPMSS has more access to your unconscious mind than you have. Your analyical mind concentrates on a certain thing while they target your subconscious mind to sabotage your intentions. That is typical for the SEGNPMSS. I sure don't despise them for nothing.

We all stuttered or stammered to a certain degree in the past and it was not us but them who made us do it. The message was clear in our heads, the only reason why it did not come across as fluent: the SEGNPMSS plays cruel and mentally retarded games with people including their most loyal supporters.

And then there are the people who have a socalled "speech impediment". They lisp or stutter and their normal speech is constantly interrupted. Doctors always are killing me when they say that they don't knowwhat causes stuttering or stammering. Just use your mind it has mindcontrol written all over it.

The speech of these people are always under attack. The SEGNPMSS plays tapes in the subconscious mind of people, which interrupts their normal speeches. And there are the people who are mute because the SEGNPMSS used their remote controlled germs, silent sounds and microwaves to damage the laryngeal nerve that is connected to the larynx muscles.

What a "wonderful" world we are living in - and as the SEGNPMSS has just about anybody secretly on their hooks, who is left to save theworld?

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.