Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chapter 25

Is it possible to hide weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in a country?

Of course, just because nobody finds them doesn't mean that somebody didn't hid them somewhere. We all know of Bin Laden. That he isn't found doesn't mean that he does not exist, right?

Generally, there are nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological weapons. They can be hid just about anywhere. It is ridiculous saying that Iraq had not any such weapons just because the few weapons inspectors that looked for them didn't find them. So, how come the weapons inspectors found nothing? Because they were just a few guys and Iraq is a huge country. They did not look in each farm, hatch, factory, plant, underground facility, submarine, house, barn, stable, shed, apartment, room, attic, lab, school, basement, garden house, store, cave, hospital, you name it. A nuclear weapon, for example may weigh just about a thousand kilograms, in other words, hiding thousand kilograms can't be that hard. A weapon can be also dismantled and lateron again assembled.

Biological warfare (BW) are agents that causes diseases as bacterica, germs, viruses. It is the favorite child of the SEGNPMSS and the average SEGNPMSS doctor activates the bacterica, germs, fungi, and viruses with remote control, silent sounds, and microwaves. They fit in just about any tube, spray or other little container and could be carried around in any jacket pocket or kept in a bathroom or drawer. Artillery shells armed with botulinum toxin, anthrax, and aflatoxin can also be hid in many places.

Chemical warfare (CW) consists of dangerous chemicals as for example ricin, mustard gas, and lewisite. They also can be hid just about anywhere, particulary in a country of 168,743 sqm. There are detection devises but they can be manipulated too, just as the inspectors themselves. Allegedly 220 inspectors from 49 countries searched for WMD in Iraq. What a joke. 220 people being a brief while in Iraq searching 168,743 sqm.

To conduct a thorough search, the UN should have sent 168743 inspectors for 168743 sqm. Also, be reminded once more that anybody including weapons inspectors are controlled by the SEGNPMSS. If the SEGNPMSS wants to keep a secret, it will remain one. The agents either deliberately go along and "overlook" what they should have found or they are subconciously or otherwise misdirected and come up empty.

Detection devices might just detect some WMD if they are not under wrap and if the inspectors are close to their location. They can malfunction and can be sabotaged by remote controlled germs. In other words: their alarms might not go off when they should. There are spy satellites by other nations but as the SEGNPMSS runs just about anybody, who is blowing the whistle? This is also why Bin Laden is not being found. SEGNPMSS doesn't want him to be found. They just promise a higher bounty to those who know where he hides and that bounty is more than the US had promised. Then they steal the money somewhere or they get rid of these witnesses without having to pay by killing them through illness or accident or other means. The "best success" of the SEGNPMSS is to keep people dumb. They can't imagine that their case officer turns on them. What fools they are.

The Saddam Hussein government of Iraq was known to use WMD before. In later years, they might have never generated a paper trail or distroyed it for their new WMD production. Saddam Hussein's government possibly dismantled these weapons to avoid a second invasion into Iraq or transported them to other countries or he indeed destroyed some, which he likely would have not done otherwise.

But it still makes no sense to claim that Iraq - that was known to use WMD - would had absolutely none - only because these few weapons inspectors found none within that large country. As a summary, Saddam Hussein was a mass murderer and leaving him in power would have been irresponsible to say the least.

However, starting a war and finding no way to end it fast and successfully is surely just as irresponsible. If the Bush administration would have pointed with the finger on the SEGNPMSS behind the force behind Saddam Hussein, he probably would have announced his resignation as the SEGNPMSS does not want to be suspected or be found. And as far as the insurgency of Iraq is concerned, it would have ended the insurgency because the SEGNPMSS is behind it, and the last they want is to be detected. They want people should think that they do not exist. It is the most secret of the secret services and the worst of all.

About Me

SEGNPMSS is the abbreviation of the Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists' Mindcontroller Secret Service . If you have any question or something else to tell me, you may e-mail me at SEGNPMSS @ My name is Barbara Schwarz, and I am being defamed and persecuted by the criminal SEGNPMSS and their lawless agents.